Sunday, August 2, 2020

Passing Storm

It was Sunday and we started the morning off with another fantastic KidPak service online.

Do you see that cowboy there?  That's me.  I'm Cowboy.  It's my voice, and he's one of the major Tribe characters of our ongoing Tribes series.  I sure do love this guy - he's got a whole lot of me inside.  He's an absolute joy to see online again.  Our neighbor across the street, their little boy was talking to us about how much they enjoyed the service, and it's been just so great to see all this response to our videos lately.  I think that might only grow over time - we have a a lot of good material.  This morning, we were learning about Samson online, which of course was the reason why I wanted us to see the production about Samson last night.  It was a good weekend to learn about this guy named Samson, a hero from the Bible who shows up in the Hall of Faith, and is a great lesson of grace.

This afternoon we made a trip over to Jaemor Farms, which is a pretty good drive for us, but it's worth it for the collection of fresh fruits and vegetables they have there.  Given that we're at the onset of a big fast, we thought a trip up here would be worth the visit.  Madison took this photo above, and a few others on the trip.

We got ourselves a whole lot of groceries here, and like I said, we're pretty ready for the fast now.  For the most part!  It's a long drive up and a long drive back, but it was nice to get out of the house.

I was doing some writing today for KidPak, but we also made some time to visit the pool.  Wouldn't you know it?  As soon as we got there it started to rain!  But no thunder today, at least.  We had a good sun shower, and it was actually light enough that we could stay in the pool mostly, even as the chilly rain was falling down upon us.  The pool water was pretty warm, having been baking there for a good bit.  Anyway, we swam in the pool for roughly an hour or so, enjoying our time throwing a ball back and forth, playing "Yes and No," and splashing each other as always.

When we got back, we returned to the Bermuda Triangle!  Yes, Madison and I risked absolute danger and terror, sending our fleet of colorful ships into harms way, just for the reward of oil, bananas, lumber, and sugar.  Was it worth it?  Sure it was!  Madison easily won both games as far as money goes, although she lost all her ships to that terrible storm in the first game.  That cloud was evil!

Speaking of storms, we watched a new movie tonight, one called "The Other Side of Heaven."  It wasn't bad!  There was a hurricane in this movie, one that affected the people of this island, including the missionary who was there.  It was a pleasant movie, one where we got to see the hardships and victories of those in the mission field, and it does have a happy ending, so that always helps.  It was good though - we enjoyed it.

We read tonight, and we prayed of course.  Our fast is moving along for Day Two, and we're praying for a shift in the atmosphere.  The storm has been here, but it's moving along, right?  Sure it is!

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