Monday, May 4, 2020

May the Fourth Be With You

As you can see here, our chiropractor makes Porg Adjustments as well.  Madison brought the Porg along today, because as you may have read in the title of this entry, it's May the Fourth.  That's Star Wars Day for those not familiar with the date.  As in, "May the Force Be With You."  

In the waiting room, one of our traditions for over a year now has been going through the alphabet, and for each letter naming a Star Wars character.  Madison is quite insistent we do this each visit, and so it's become a pretty big tradition, and an appropriate one today.  We had our adjustments this morning, the second time we've visited during the pandemic.  But there was also a moment or two for a lightsaber battle!

Yes, this is the kind of chiropractor we have!  It was a nice morning out, or at least a quick trip out to Cumming for this visit, and then a dash back home.  Madison did her school work at the house, studying a bit of Egypt, and even looking forward to next year's classes.  She has algebra, physical science, and Georgia history too.  She's hoping to have an acting class, and we'll see how that goes as we get closer.

Today's festivities were widespread.  There was an internet radio station that had nothing but Star Wars music, including our favorite song as of late, "I'm Han Solo."  We watched a presentation online from the Northeast Georgia History Center.

Madison stopped her classwork to watch that one.  We had it on the big television set here - it was an interesting one-hour broadcast.  And this just seemed to be the whole day: one Star Wars thing after another.  For example, right after Madison finished her school work, we both were playing a board game, "Star Wars LIFE" together, going through the jedi training to see who would be more successful.  Madison won the first game, although it was close!

We also read an online comic, "Son of Dathomir."  It was free today, along with another book that we got about Padme.  Both were free and are currently on one of our handheld devices.  We'll do the Padme book next, but the "Son of Dathomir" graphic novel was pretty good.  It explains how Darth Maul escaped... or did he really escape?

All that led up to the last episode of Clone Wars, which we have been watching before even starting this blog, I think.  It was a dramatic ending, of course.  You know where all of this had to end at, and that made things fairly melancholy.  It's a tragedy, this portion of the story.  But there is a New Hope on the way, at least.  The episode was really good, but again, it is a downer:  the Emperor wins this round.

We started reading a book, one with Ezra Bridger and Bossk.  It's Star Wars Day, so this seemed only appropriate.  It's a good read, one we'll be spending time with each night the next week or so.  It was a good day today, and although we're stuck in one place, we can still dream together of a story a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

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