Friday, May 15, 2020

Chipping Away

Tonight we saw "CATS" again, of course all on screen, but it's a shared experience with thousands of other people, all of us watching a particular play online.  This one is a favorite of Mommy's, and Madison was enjoying it too - she turned to Mommy during the song "Memory," and told her this was a really good song.  She's seen the play before, but at a smaller local theater - they did a good job then.  But this was the official stage version.  Daddy and Mommy have seen this before a few times at the Fox Theater and other places.

It's one of those plays that grows on you.  It's certainly unusual, with a pretty simply plot.  But the costumes, characters, and of course music are infectious.  In fact, we have a few songs stuck in our heads now.  If you've seen the play, you might have some songs stuck in your head too!

Madison has just one week of school left officially, although today was a pretty good wrap-up day for the larger assignments.  She was working late last night to get ahead, and felt comfortable throughout today, getting the last of her assignments out of the way.  She may have some review next week, but some of the bigger grades have been all this week, and she's been doing well.  It was a little stressful at the beginning of the week, but she was chipping away at the assignments all week, and has done a great job getting it all done.

We broke it up today with ice cream, and of course video games too.  Lately we've been visiting that Star Wars game a lot - Madison and Daddy have been playing against each other on Mustafar and Hoth or other places.

Mommy is still waiting on this kidney stone, and has been a bit uncomfortable the last week, as one might expect.  The medication is creating some side-effects, and we're navigating through that.  But our sleep schedule has been off quite a bit lately.

Daddy's latest Friday thing is working on a form letter that goes out to a few thousand people, which doesn't take long, but it's been a great way to let folks know what is going on at KidPak.  Madison's day was entirely on the computer, doing a lot of work.  But that will soon be over with for the summer.  We've got her signed up for two camps upcoming with the Edges ATA, one of them being a rank camp.  Yes, she'll have a red belt very soon.  The other camp is an adventure camp, with nerf guns and other fun activities.  Those are the only two camps available at all right now.  The Art Center has not started registration yet, and there's little there to know about.  The Florida camps are not open yet either, and of course Summer Xtreme is entirely online now.  So already this summer is quite a bit different.  One bright spot is that Dollywood should be opening soon, so I imagine we'll be taking a nice trip up to Tennessee soon enough.

More importantly, we'll be going down to Florida this summer too.  The question has always been a challenging one, given that Ba-Ba's immunity system is down, and of course there's a virus going around.  He's starting week #3 of treatments, and it is actually good news that they'll continue the treatments beyond week #3.  I translate this as indicating there's some progress here.  It's a dire situation, and we pray for Ba-Ba each night.  We're praying for him now.

We'll be down there to visit, but the worst thing we can do is make things worse for his recovery.  So on one hand, we're anxious, but on the other hand, we're held back by something we cannot control.

We prayed for a lot of people tonight, including Mommy, of course.  We're praying for a turnaround for so many people.  To use an expression about cats, we're hoping everyone can land on their feet.

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