Thursday, May 7, 2020


We were back at taekwondo today, and Daddy was taking a few pictures of the session here.  This was probably my favorite, a picture of Madison in midair doing a "Superman lunge" or something like that.  One of the goals was to make some pictures to share on social media, showing how class is going well and how everyone was observing social distancing while keeping the area clean.

You can see here how the equipment bags are all separated, the places to put your bag marked with a hula hoop.  As students enter and dismiss, they go to their bags two at a time, to keep that distance in check.

You can see here how far off they are from each other as they practice.  Obviously there isn't any contact sparring.  But they each have their own cushion to practice on, and an area to keep to as they exercise and move forward with their training.

Madison should get her third stripe next week, so yes, she's moving forward.  The week after that, it's brown belt decided, and then she's working towards her red belt.  She's really got her eyes on the prize, very much after that black belt.

I'm only sharing pictures largely of Madison today, though there were plenty of others taken of the other students to share online.  They came out pretty well.  I stuck to the edges of the classroom, so I wouldn't get kicked in the face!

You can see this one self-defense training going on here, which has to be different than the usual ones that involve breaking holds and so forth.  This involves getting to an attacker who is standing over you.  Mrs. Edge was training the kids to kick forward, rather than kicking upward towards "Spider-man" or someone in the air...!

We stuck around for a bit, and this was fun because Madison got to see her usual Zoom class from the other side of things.  This was 5:30pm, and Madison was watching all her classmates online, popping in one at a time, from places as far away as Alabama.  This is where Mrs. Edge came up with the phrase for these classes:  "Zoomkwando."  I like it!

It was a busy day for Daddy, sending a lot of big files and doing some writing as well.  We were filming for KidPak again this afternoon, and putting together our new series online, an oldie but a goodie:  the Quest.

Mommy has been recovering from yesterday, although the medication was causing some side effects that weren't pleasant.  She's been up late at night, with lots of trips to the bathroom.  The stone has not passed yet, but we're hopeful that it will soon.

It was the National Day of Prayer.  Tonight, Madison was invited to an online Zoom meeting of all the folks who go to our Cumming campus church.  It was basically a church service on Zoom with just the Cumming campus people, and so Madison and I popped on there to join in.  It was a nice service, a nice time together with others online.  We were all at church, in our living room.  We can't do that with the larger Gainesville church, so this was nice.

Tonight we finished the movie series from Narnia with "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."  It went off course from the original movie a bit, but it was still an enjoyable voyage together.  The girls are wanting to know what happens next, so I suspect we'll be visiting "The Silver Chair" soon.

Until then, tonight we were reading from "Ezra's Gambit" again, and trying to get to bed a little earlier.  That wasn't to be for Mommy so much, but we can sleep in tomorrow.  Plus, it's a pretty big day for her too!

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