Sunday, May 3, 2020

Curbside Konas

Ho, ho, ho!  This morning we watched a few of the online services from church, including our KidPak service of course.  You can see one clip of that service here above.  Daddy was filming this one, a game where teammates were covered with shaving cream, and then had fruit loops tossed at them.

You can see the end result with that above.  You can't see who either of these people are though - that's Isaac above.  We added the Christmas graphics afterwards.  The one below is Elaine, who is part of what turned out to be the winning team. The girls are suddenly pulling ahead with the games, when not long ago the girls' team was behind.  It's been back and forth, and exciting for the kids at home.  And not at all fixed in any way - trust us on that one.  We're pretty impartial about the end result, and it's been fairly even all along.

Ah, and here's another captured image from our KidPak service, which shows the return of Ole and Jamie Lynn.  These two figures still sit in Madison's room right now, along with other LEGO figures, of course.

They've had a lot of exposure lately on Facebook, these two. We've put the video out there, promoting it somewhat and getting a lot of reaction from a lot of people.  It's an encouraging message of hope, and it's great to see these two speaking out God's love and encouragement to such a larger audience!

After watching our regular church service - Grace, Grace! - we spent some time working outside on the front porch.  We were enjoying the day, although we had ulterior motives for being out there as well:  we knew a special visitor would be coming by.

It was the Kona truck!  That's right, we had delicious treats right there in front of our home, and they were super sweet.  Madison got herself a cotton candy flavor.

Yes, you can see her lips are nice and red after that.  Daddy got the Pina colada flavor, and it was just nice sitting on the front porch with a ice cold treat.  All the kids were lined up in their front yards, each one with cash to hand over to the Kola truck.  It was super sweet - in more ways than one.

We've been doing a few more board games lately, and given the movies we've been watching lately, you can see which one we played a few times tonight.  Mommy, Daddy and Madison each grabbed a playing piece, and got a little dangerous!

Yes, we were playing Jumanji.  No, we're not the ones responsible for releasing the murder hornets.  If you haven't heard yet, there's apparently some species of unwelcome hornet now here in the States, as if we haven't endured enough.  Not that this is any comparably big deal to the virus, of course.  It just makes for another story of "things to be concerned about" for certain people.  I think these creatures are on the West Coast right now, so I don't think it's too much of a concern right now.  But let's stop a moment and pay some respect to whoever came up with the name "Murder Hornet."  It would be an incredible rock band name, of course.

Anyway, tonight, we watched the most current Jumanji movie, the third one so far.  Any fourth one may be delayed due to the virus.  But these movies are doing well enough that it seems inevitable that one will come out.  We'll see how all this works in the months to come.  In the meantime, we have a nice trilogy, with a fun adventurous board game.

We said our prayers tonight, although we didn't do much reading.  We were up pretty late.  It was a good day though, a nice Sunday with KidPak, Kona and Jumanji.

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