Friday, April 6, 2018

There and Back Again

The trip home today was fairly common, with good weather and the traffic not so bad.  As usual, it was a mess in Henry County.  The official Henry County tourism motto should be this:

Seriously, they've got a gimmick here!  The chief export of Henry County is traffic, and why not just embrace it.  I mean, everyone experiences traffic.  But this place has a bumper crop of traffic all year round.  Name a time, and there's traffic.

Ironically, once we got through Atlanta, that was it.  There was no traffic anywhere else, and so our travels were relatively mundane.  Madison was taking a serious nap in the back seat, and Mommy and Daddy were finishing up their latest Riders Radio broadcast.  We made a few stops at rest areas, and one of our favorite Chick-Fil-A stops at Cordelle, which is fast becoming a tradition for us.  The other rest area down in Osceola is just such a nice place to stop - it's along I-10, and is one of the best rest areas you can stop at.  Everything is clean, and yes, you're in a state park.  You can tell because there are advertisements of things you can do there in the deep forests of Florida.  One such thing you can do is go waterskiing.  On the surface, this perhaps may seem like a great idea.  But given the notorious population of alligators in Florida, I'd rather not do anything that involves any part of my body touching the water in a swamp/forest.

We got home in good time tonight, unpacking and pretty much back before we realized we were gone.  It was a very quick trip to the beach, but more about spending time with family of course.  Tonight, we got home and caught up on last week's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., watching it on the big television downstairs, and then catching the latest episode upstairs off of the antenna.  We were all snuggled together, still barely awake enough to watch a television show long enough, and then head straight to bed.

But a few notes about tonight's episode.  First of all, we love Phil Coulson.  He's been one of our favorite Marvel characters ever.  Tonight's episode reinforced that, because of his love of Captain Crunch.  Yes, this made Daddy want to go out and get another box of that cereal.  How hilarious that two of the imprisoned good guys were munching on Captain Crunch.  The third character was the Absorbing Man, who got into a fight with a young girl with advanced fighting skills.  And here's my thought:  he's the Absorbing Man.  Meaning, all he has to do is absorb something metal, and there's that.  End of fight.  He becomes metal, and nothing can stop him.  Nothing breaks him, nothing bends him, nothing happens.  He wins.  Unfortunately, that didn't quite happen tonight.  He didn't necessarily lose the fight, but for some reason he didn't absorb things, and that sort of was odd.

Beyond that, we're enjoying the show, all three of us.  Hopefully we'll move forward on a more positive note, after a bit of adventure.  There's talk of this character or that dying, but if it's all the same, I'm okay with everyone surviving, thank you very much.

Anyway, we went to bed right after this, all three of us.  It was a long day.  We left late this morning from Daytona, and here we were in North Georgia, watching television together.  Time to get some shuteye, right?

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