Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mr DNA returns

Another KidPak Legends service this morning, this one featuring the famous chocolate fountain.  This is the one we used back on Valentine's Day, and it's in both of the Descendants movies, although nothing prominent.  We just noticed that, and rolled with it for the skit.  As you can see, Carlos loves it dearly.

This is Uma2.  Madison got to wear her classic Uma costume from last fall, and joined the Uma Fan Club, wanting to be a bit more edgy.  Of course, she and her friend Red had to learn a lesson about that this morning, and there was much more that happened as always.  We're moving along with our series - only two more services left until the conclusion of this Descendants themed story.  Everyone's been enjoying it, dressing up in these costumes and being these characters.  A young girl came up to Madison this morning and gave her a big hug, saying, "You're dressed as Uma!"

We got home and Madison had that piano to practice.  We had our lunch, but there was nothing to be done outside:  the weather is stormy, rainy, and windy.  The temperatures are going to drop again, and in fact there is a lot of snow coming down throughout the country further north of course.  It's fairly amazing, actually.

After a bit of piano, we had time for another trip to another dinosaur island, this time Isla Sorna.  This one was different from last week's visit to Isla Nublar, but only slightly.  This time the carnivorous dinosaurs were after the humans to eat them.  Oh wait.  That happened last time.  You'd think people would learn, right?  Of course, in Jurassic World III, Dr. Alan Grant is tricked into going, and in fact technically kidnapped.  But adventures continue, and Madison enjoyed the journey.  Unlike some of those early mercenaries, she survived without a scratch, and that's a big plus.

Next, we'll visit Isla Nublar again with "Jurassic World," but that might be after the Milestones testing.  Yes, that's tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Mommy has been focused on ancestry.  It's been a big pastime of hers, looking through genealogy and finding her family's ancestors, and Daddy's too.  Eventually, we'll be able to find more information about Madison's as well, because technology.  It is absolutely amazing what was once considered impossible now a viable option, thanks to Mr. DNA.

Ah, and now we see it come back to Jurassic Park.  Anyway, after a full day, it was time to get an early night's rest.  We need resting before testing.  That should be a slogan for the school.

We prayed, we read from the devotional, and we read another chapter of "A Wrinkle in Time."  Things are starting to wrap up there as well, with about forty pages left or so.  It's been an enjoyable read, although with the longer chapters, everyone was pretty ready to head to sleep at the end.  Which... is what we did.

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