Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Plastic Adventures of Idaho Jones

Saturday back to work, and still going strong with our "Quest" series.  As you can see above, the videos have been fun to do as well.  We shot one with an Indiana Jones doll, and the troll doll from Norway (the same one we used back with the "Northern Lights" series).  Finally, the next idea was a Barbie doll.  But Madison suggested her Mulan doll, and now she's a permanent part of the series, "The Plastic Adventures of Idaho Jones."

They're pretty funny - so much so that we may be doing a few more in the coming weeks, just as a part of this series.

Today was, as you might expect, a day to catch up.  We had a lot of work to do with a new script for tomorrow for "The Quest," and of course all the other editing and printing that takes place with the series.  Mommy and Madison, meanwhile, did a lot of cleaning up and unpacking.

Madison will be in school in less than a week, so there is a bit of collecting going on as well - we're making sure we have all the supplies for the school year.  Mommy was really good about it this year, collecting things much earlier.  It seems weird collecting back-to-school stuff when July is just starting, but you have a better selection and a bit of peace of mind.  Mommy is very good that way.

So Josh and Daddy came home late, and Madison and Mommy were already asleep.  It was another late night, but tomorrow's service should be loads of fun!

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