Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with You!

Apparently Disney Infinity 3.0 is going to be all about Star Wars, a fact we're all rather keen on.  But just as cool is the the fact that Mulan and Olaf are coming to 3.0 as well.  This promises to be lots of fun, although we still have some other characters to collect.

Madison did some piano today, actually trying to do some catching up.  It wasn't to be:  we were busy with ballet firstly.  Madison got her new costume today, and was anxious to try it on.

The recital is in just a few weekends, one we're rather looking forward to.  Madison is getting more and more graceful with her moves, something she's learning over time.  Mommy is happy with this ballet company, despite their habit of bad math when advertising for summer camps.  Madison's teacher is very sweet, and very supportive - while getting the girls to do their moves just right.  We can't wait for the big night when Madison will be dancing with all the other girls.

Nana and Ba-Ba were here, and of course there was a nice dinner waiting after ballet.  The day was filled with doctor's appointments for Nana and Ba-Ba, and for Mommy too.  Beyond that, we were getting mulch again, and various plants to put in the yard.  The landscaping is coming along nicely, although I suspect we may never see the folks who mow our grass again - they seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.

So, tonight we honored Star Wars Day a bit with some movies and games.  First, there's "The Clone Wars."  Madison watched an episode of that - but she spent the most time on Star Wars Angry Birds on the way to and from ballet.  We had plans to drag out the Star Wars Battleship game, but we may have to do that later when there is more time.

That seems to be the thing we're limited on a lot lately:  time.  But that's May for you.  There's a lot going on, including tomorrow, when we put on sombreros and eat tacos.

Until then, here's the latest element devotional, dedicated to tungsten:

In the same way, let your light shine so others can see it. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NIrV

W 74

     Tungsten is a tough element.  It keeps its strength, even at really high temperatures!  This is one of the reasons why it is used in light bulbs.  Put simply, electricity heats up the tungsten, causes it to glow, and that little bit of heated metal can light up a room.  It was in 1904 that the first tungsten lamp was put on the market, and ever since then, this little element has been lighting up the world.
     It’s hard to imagine a world without light bulbs.  Before their discovery, light came from candles or other flames.  But just recently, the light bulb became more widespread, lighting up the darkness all over the earth.
     Like tungsten, your big job is to light the world.  At times, it can be a pretty dark place.  Without Jesus, there is darkness, and that’s scary.  In the dark you can’t see where you’re going, and you can bump into a lot of things you shouldn’t.  Or you might be going in the wrong direction altogether.  In the darkness, you can’t see the beauty of the world around you, and you certainly can’t help other people find their way.  It’s a cold place in the dark.
     But add some light, and it makes a huge difference!  It draws others close.  Add some light, and people become brighter.  Illuminate the world around you, and it becomes clearer, warmer, safer, and filled with hope.
    The Bible tells us to let our light shine.  As Christians, we do this by acting like Christians.  We do this by helping others, praying for others, and sharing the good news of Jesus.  We do this by inviting others to church, or giving in our offering.  We do this by living a life that God is happy with. 

     Let your light shine so others can see it.  Then they will see the good things you do, a glorious brightly lit hope in a sometimes darkened world.

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