Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ballet Recital

Another year gone by, and another ballet recital for our princess.  Here she is, with poise and grace, along with the other ballerinas in their lovely tutus.  It has been a big year, and the spring recital is always a pleasant highlight.

After church, we got ourselves ready to go, which of course is a pretty intensive process for Madison.  The hair has to be just right, and the make-up just right as well.  With this all done correctly, she was a perfect little princess, completely transformed from wacky eight-year-old that's fooling around a lot, screaming and running about... to a graceful princess who is quite above such undignified behavior!

She had a great time at the recital, and it really is enjoyable.  I don't know if that is the old person coming out in me or what, but we really do like watching all the performances.  It's not just Madison's performance, but all of the dances were quite enjoyable.  There was a modern dance bit at the end which sounded like it was taken straight out of the 60's, and somewhat reminiscent of an episode of Sprockets.  But even that was fun from a certain point of view.  I'm sure the respectable Southern audience was rather stunned at that one, attempting to understand it, or in some circles scoffing at the ridiculous posing and movements.  Sure, it was bizarre.  But it was fun.  Although I'm not entirely sure that was what the choreographer was going for...

Anyway, our princess performed splendidly.  We are so very proud of her!  Madison posed for a bit in front of the fountain there at Brenau, just as is our tradition.  And another tradition took place:  Dilly Bars.  What is a ballet recital with a Dilly Bar, I tell you?  Nothing.

We'll get our pictures from the event, and a DVD as well.  Those should come within two weeks, and we'll probably watch them again.  But we've also been watching Madison's first ballet recitals lately too, which bring back happy memories.  She's been dancing a few years now, and it's been fun for her. She definitely wants to keep doing it next year, so yep, we're already signed up for another round.  PLUS, we're signed up for two weeks of ballet camp this summer as well.

The wonderful dance goes on...

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