Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday Before SX15

So we had a meeting today, and a big one.  It was for our volunteers, and all a pep talk about the exiting week to come.  This time around, there was a little less work to do for the afternoon that there usually is.  Not to say we didn't stay up late working or didn't feel the tremendous weight of responsibility, accompanied by the consistent worry of those little details that we might have missed. No, all that was still there.  But this time we had a new sense of optimism about things, that we were more prepared than ever, that our team was more equipped than ever, and that this would in fact be the best Summer Xtreme ever.  We'll see how that prediction holds, but things are not so burdened here, but rather more upbeat.

Although we're already sick of pizza.  I don't care if it is free - I would rather not see another delivered pizza again for quite some time.  All these stacks of pizzas arrived today, and will again tomorrow, the things that keep our stomachs full so we can keep on with our goals - without leaving the office.

One sense of the optimism came from a two-hour rehearsal we had today - all the actors showed up for our ongoing drama throughout the week.  They checked microphones, and we went over lines for the entire week.  We actually practiced for drama four skits deep - one on Friday.  We usually cannot do this due to volunteers and tricky schedules.  But this year, all of them were able to do it, and it has brought a whole lot of peace to the matter.  Also, additionally, we had the scripts written as well.  This is usually a last-minute gambit as well.

Madison and Mommy were onhand to help set things up today, helping clean up or set up or decorate or in Madison's case, run around screaming and having fun with the other captive children.  We don't feel so bad about the kids who where stuck here today, because next week they'll all be having an incredible week.

Which is what I have to get back to work on.  Only two days to go...

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