Saturday, May 2, 2015

Free Comic Book Day

Today is a lot of things, and I suppose we'll start with the picture above:  it's Free Comic Book Day!  Of course, any comics are appreciated at all - certainly the ones that Madison can enjoy.  The indie ones can be fun too, although this year's selections were kind of weak.  'Back in the day,' Daddy collected a ton of comics, so he can sound as authoritative as he wants on this subject:  the truth is comics were better back then.  We get new comics from time to time from the library - graphic novels including a series of comics.  We check up on the latest, and the stories just don't have as much to them as they did 'back in the day.'  I'm sure the folks older than I am would say the same thing about my comics.  One thing you didn't have to worry about so much is having to filter the books - except for Image Comics, of course.  The covers on those were bad enough.  But nowadays, the authors frequently feel the need to have all this social commentary, sort of like a musician on stage sharing political views on this or that.  As the saying goes, 'shut up and sing.'  And likewise with comics.  Of course, these are free, and I suppose they can do what they want.  As can I:  one or two got thrown out, after Daddy did some scanning.  The ones you see in the picture above, however, were fun.  One thing about some of the superhero comics that has improved:  the artwork is fantastic.

So another things about today:  it was seven years ago that we first saw Madison's face.  That's right, it's the anniversary of referral day!  As always, we posted that same picture for all to see - along with the other adoptive parents who went with us.  We shared memories, and others shared their amazement that it has been so long ago.  Seven years ago!  For good measure, Daddy read out loud the journal entry he wrote from that day.  It's a little dramatic, but so was the day itself.  It was a big moment we didn't want to ever forget, and even without the writing, we probably wouldn't.

Another thing about today:  it's Ye-Ye's birthday.  We spoke with him, Madison too, and wished him a happy birthday.  It was a perfect day for him, really:  all he wanted was a beautiful day outside to work in the garden.  And that's exactly what he got.  It was a special afternoon for him.  We'll gather later to celebrate his birthday - next Sunday. Mommy's birthday will be celebrated, along with Mother's Day as well - these three are usually crammed together.  It'll be nice to get together with the family, especially in light of the recent health news.

So, tomorrow we launch "Weird Science."  As such, you can imagine where the three of us spent the day:  here at the office.  Yep, it was a huge work day.  In fact, several of us guys got home around 1:00 am.  Which is early compared to the 'good ol' days.'  We did some filming today, and a lot of work on the keynote images - we're taking a pretty big look at the amazing expanse of the universe, and just how big everything is.  It's stunning, and tomorrow, a lot of kids will walk out completely stunned about how large our universe is.  We have a great big God, who cares about little ol' us.  The only thing that matches the size of our limitless God is the immeasurable love He has for us.

Here's another devotional entry, this one oddly enough appropriate to the recent health concerns of one of our family members:

Your tongue has the power of life and death.” Proverbs 18:21 NIrV

Ra 88

     Radium is one of those elements you don’t want to be around for too much.  It’s radioactive, which means it is constantly giving off energy. 
     It isn’t healthy to be around.  But it does have a good use by doctors.  In some very serious cases, radiation therapy is used to kill bad cells in the body.
     Radioactive elements like radium are constantly shooting out something.  And as you just read, sometimes it can be useful.  And many times, it can be harmful.
     Your mouth can be an awful lot like that too, can’t it?  Sometimes it can be used to say the right things that bring healing and hope.  And sometimes it can be used to bring about harm and hurt.  Like radium, you have to be careful how you handle that mouth of yours! 

     Our Bible puts it this way:  “Your tongue has the power of life and death.”
     Your lab assignment this time is to think about what you are speaking this week.  Are you spewing out harmful words, or are you speaking life and hope to those around you?  What you say is important.  Your words have a lot of power – even stronger than radioactive power!

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