Saturday, May 9, 2015


Madison is seriously writing a book.  She's got all of the papers together in a book format, lots of small sheets of pink paper taped together to make a sixteen page book, or something like that.  Daddy mistakenly heard that she's read a book, when in fact Madison said she wrote a book.  This of course was an amazing surprise.  I mean, what are you talking about?  She's taking up the habit of writing is what it means, and to prove it, she brought me over and read to me pages from her book.  It was a continuation of the Weird School book series, this time with Madison herself as a character in the books.  The title of the story:  "Ms. Bearder is Weirder."  We've met Ms. Beard before, but apparently there is a Ms. Bearder at the school as well.  As for her writing, she's matching the style of the books, and doing a fantastic job for a second grader. Seriously, she's a very special girl.

Just this weekend she was mastering her piano recital piece, just nailing a piece that Daddy can't even play right.  And also in her spare time, she sits and does math charts, mapping out the results of multiplying out different numbers.  We couldn't be more pleased with her scholastic direction.

Not that she doesn't take time off to do other endeavors.  The Clone Wars are currently on the playlist, for example.  And not far behind are the adventures at Monster High.

Today, Nana and Ba-Ba said goodbye, taking off for a fairly uneventful trip back to Florida.  This was good, as it's always nice to have a smooth journey home.  We'll miss them, of course.  Not only their company, but this week was such a productive week with the house.  We have a new ceiling fan, for example, and a new light in a room we haven't used much outside.  We will now.  And there's the matter of the front yard, now looking just extra special with the lush, green grass, seas of red mulch, and flowers dotting the landscape.  The bees have stopped their assault too, it appears.  We've been waging warfare this week, chemical warfare.  We've been spraying the holes these bees keep trying to sculpt into the side of our house.  Why our house when there's a perfectly good forest with trees just a few feet away?  I guess our house looks so nice that they want to live there too.  Well, I'm sorry, you can't live here - but you can visit.  Daddy hasn't directly sprayed a bee yet, but if they don't stop trying to make their home here, I'll have to be the one to make that tough decision.

Today was a work day, cleaning up from KidPak's dinner last night.  Setting up for tomorrow as well - it was a late night of getting things fixed up around here at the office.  But we did have a nice morning together, and tomorrow afternoon we'll have a bit more time together as well.  So it's not a terrible thing, really.  Still, being away is always somewhat of a drag.  Can't wait to get home to be with the family!

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