Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hidden Mickey

Madison finished her Minecraft calendar, that motivational tool we were using to get her to finish her piano practices.  In anticipation of this big moment, Daddy had already downloaded the game itself on the X-box, so all she had to do was turn it on.  So tonight, we finally caught up with the rest of the world, popping in this hugely successful game and seeing what it was all about.  

We were completely lost for a bit.  Have to admit, I'm still lost on probably a few important things.  But we made ourselves a pretty big shelter finally, and just before dark too.  In the game, you have to build a shelter for protection, otherwise these creepy square things will come after you.  And, your shelter needs to be well-lit, otherwise there'll be creepy things inside with you too.  We figured this out the hard way, but currently we have a well-crafted cave home, built in the side of the mountain.  It has skylights, windows, lots of torches, and two secret passages to other places on top of the hill, and on the other side of the hill.  This may not sound like a big deal to you Minecraft professionals, but to us it is a vast accomplishment!

It is pretty creepy to sit there in your house at night, and by chance you look outside your window and see something staring at you.  He wants to get you, but he can't get in.  So he just sits there, staring, and waiting.  

Today was music day, and we played our pianos and did a bit of ice skating around the classroom on paper plates, because that's how we roll at piano class.  We'll be taking this iPad with us to the next class though, so it can record some of the tunes we're practicing, so we can play it back at home to hear how it is supposed to sound.  These kids all know each other well now, having played piano together for three years.  Each has about the same level of talent and ability, so it works well for them to go through all of this together.  Hopefully, Madison will hold on to all of this, and carry a bit of that piano ability throughout her life.  Daddy is trying to learn at the same time - hopefully, it will stay with him as well!

Today was also Taco Tuesday!

Ah, the effect of "The LEGO Movie" on our lives.  But wait?  What's this?  Do I see a Hidden Mickey on Madison's plate?  Madison spotted this bit of taco sauce in the shape of Mickey's head, and that was that:  she wanted a picture of it.  So here it is, a Hidden Mickey out of Taco Sauce, posted on the internet for all the world to see.  THIS is what the internet was designed for!

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