Monday, February 27, 2012

Children's Ministry


Here's a great video that pretty much answers the question what we do with our children's ministry. Daddy and Mommy are seen occasionally in this video, behind-the-scenes and up front. Daddy of course writes all the curriculum, skits, messages, devotionals, videos, and more. Mommy did a wonderful job with the costumes - you'll only see a few in this video. But the thing you'll see the most of is the children and how into each service they are, and their response. It's a well done video, carefully crafted by our friend Josh. He did a wonderful job.

Today was a big day! Nana and Ba-Ba arrived, having a much easier trip than their last journey back. This was good, because it is a long drive from Florida here. There was much excitement, as Madison was completely wired when they arrived. She was so charged up with energy when she heard them arrive. She stopped what she was doing and ran to the door!

Tonight we sat and talked and caught up a bit, although Madison was ready to play some more games with Nana. To her credit, Nana jumped right in despite the long day she'd already had. It was great to have everyone back - but everyone turned in a little early tonight after the long day.

Except Daddy. Still working on messages for next weekend...!

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