Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Don't Blow It

Madison went back to school today, healthier and stronger than she's been in a few weeks: she had a great time, actually. Still, there was nap time after school, which is something she still needs. It has taken a while recover, but she's clearly on the road to full recovery.

We've been doing some Valentine's Day cards with Madison, in advance of the day which is now less than a week away. A year or two before we even met Madison, Daddy bought some Valentine's Day card kits that were on clearance after the big day. I've had these in a tub for years now, so it was neat to pull one kit out in particular: the "air blow" cards. These are special pens that blow out ink when you breathe into one side. Just aim your pen, and splat! There's pink. Or orange or purple. Obviously, you need stencils in order to make this concept work.

Daddy cut out the stencils, and Madison blew the ink onto the cards into patterns of hearts, teddy bears and balloons. They turned out pretty good!

Madison will give these out on Tuesday, and tomorrow I hope we'll finish up all Valentine's Day related preparations. It came up so fast on us this year! The funny thing is that it is still on February 14th, just like all the time. We just got so caught up elsewhere that when we looked upon the calendar, there it was, lurking just like always in the middle of the month!

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