Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Moose Awareness Day

Imagine a CD with children's songs that are all about the moose, and you've captured the idea behind this CD by Brent Holmes. It's called "Moose Tunes for Kids," which sort of narrows things down a bit. For those of you not interested so much in the moose, there are also bear tunes and sea tunes (including the famous "Billy the Squid"). But today we're looking more closely into moose tunes. Madison and Daddy were listening to these insanely catchy songs today - this CD is a direct hit with both of us, and moose lovers everywhere. Especially those who love chocolate mousse. After just one listen, you're nearly guaranteed to have the song "A Moose in a Treehouse" stuck in your head on repeat. This CD is pretty fun, and even occasionally educational. I'm thinking of a holiday upcoming: Moose Awareness Day. There isn't one right now. A little internet search came up with "Brake for a Moose Awareness Day" in New Hampshire, which seems like common sense. I mean, you don't speed up to hit a moose, do you? But then we see how New Hampshire people vote every year, so that's that.

The bottom line is that we need a Moose Awareness Day, where we celebrate this really awesome creature. We can also brake for them too.

During this day, I think it's obvious that we should have chocolate mousse, which is reason enough to have this holiday. Celebrants can watch old episodes of "Rocky & Bullwinkle" or "Brother Bear 2," which features Rutt and Tuke, two pretty funny moose.

Here's the point where I have a confession: I have struggled to figure out what the plural for "moose" is. So I just looked it up: it's "moose." Example: "Rutt and Tuke are two moose." I have a temptation to say "Rutt and Tuke are two meese." Or "Rutt and Tuke are two mooses." But these would be wrong, and I would be a terrible moose ambassador if I didn't know what the plural was. But now I do, and so do you.

Here's a flashback story from Daddy's past: it involves moose, so don't worry. Daddy and a friend of his arrived at Rocky Mountain National Park a little late. We were tired, and rather than set up the tent, we just slept in the car seats in a camping spot. Daddy and his friend woke up in the morning and looked out the windshield of the car. Hovering directly over us were - you guessed it - two moose. That's one reason why I love national parks! I really don't know what they saw in our car that was interesting - I'm just glad they didn't decide to crawl on top of it. These things are HUGE!

As it happens, there is a "Moose Day" in Colorado. I just looked that up too. It's in Grand Mesa, Colorado, which is the other side of the state. Evidently, they have a lot of moose too. Anyway, their "Moose Day" is on July 31st, which sounds like as good a time as any to have a "Moose Day." We'll celebrate with them later this year, if I can remember. Until then, I officially declare February 7th "Moose Awareness Day."

Moving on...

Mommy had a great dinner tonight, perhaps in honor of our new series, but more than likely just because we've had this strange craving as of late for fish and chips. She made the fries herself, and got some special malt vinegar, and tonight everyone had a tasty dinner from across the pond.

Everyone was pretty tired today. Despite the fatigue, we still managed to make it to music class - the first time in two weeks (she just missed one class). Madison was playing piano with both hands this afternoon, and also: she got a new booklet to start practicing with.

Valentine's Day is next week, which is insane when you think about it: we've got a lot of work to do in a short time. Part of the reason it "snuck up on us" was the crazy work schedule related to the new series launch this past weekend. We were so preoccupied with "Get a Clue," that everything else seemed to fall by the wayside. Mommy and I are planning something for Madison though: we just don't have all the details yet. But, you can't let that day go by without having some fun. Join us in a week, and we'll share all the details.

You can bet Daddy is looking for some moose-themed Valentine's Day cards now...

"I look like a moose." - Mia Thermopolis

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