Saturday, September 3, 2011

Heroic Effort

We're still here working on the latest new series that premieres tomorrow - today Mommy and Madison came in to help with the workload, which was tremendous. But the help that came in was also tremendous, and as a result, Daddy just might get home before midnight. Daddy said goodnight via Skype tonight - it is so nice to be able to see Madison and Mommy before bedtime:

Tomorrow we'll be talking about superheroes through videos, skits and our message: "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility." At one point, the kids will see a bit of the hero Wolverine, who you can see in this movie clip below. Listen for the scream:

Yes, that was Madison again. We're talking about her scream becoming a recurring joke in various videos for the next few months - it was kind of funny here. By the way, our discussion about Wolverine goes something like this:

Wolverine is by far the most popular member of the X-men. Some would argue that it has a lot to do with his attitude – he’s a loner. He’s a guy who does things his own way and it takes him a while to get the point of following orders. There’s another reason too: those claws. Wolverine has retractable claws made of adamantium, the hardest known metal in the comic universe. But all comic fans will agree that the thing that makes Wolverine one of the most dangerous comic book heroes around is what is known as his healing factor. Wolverine’s body can heal itself nearly instantly from many forms of attack: knives, guns, bombs – you name it! There isn’t hardly anything that can keep him down.

Two thousand years ago, there was a similar hero by the name of Paul. He didn’t have retractable claws made of adamantium (at least I don’t think he did!), but he and Wolverine had a lot in common. No matter what the enemy threw at Paul, he just kept coming. Stones? No problem. Beaten and left for dead outside the city? That didn’t stop Paul.

Have you ever felt as if you simply cannot go on? We’ve all been there. Tough times come to everyone – it rains on the just and the unjust. The difference between a hero and everyone else is simple: Heroes get back up again, just like Wolverine and just like Paul. The Bible says that God isn’t going to give you more than you can bear – and God is with us all the time, even if we don’t feel like He is. So get up and be the hero God has called you to be. You may not have adamantium claws, but you can claw your way out of any problem with God’s help!

It's going to a great visit with our favorite superheroes again - especially after church, when Madison and Daddy are going to play Lego Batman!

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