Saturday, September 3, 2011

Show and Tell


Today was show and tell for Madison, her first ever, and no doubt the first of many more to come. We asked her what she wanted to bring in, and she told us she wanted to bring her camera to school with her - so that's what she did. It was safely packed away in her book bag, and sure enough, she brought it out for show and tell. Of course, when you bring out a camera, you have to also use the camera a bit. This explains all the photos we found on Madison's camera when she got home. She took photos of her classmates, and even one of the assistant teacher in the room. Here's just one photo she took of a classmate - I have no idea what this girl's name is, but I do know that Madison snapped the photograph!

I say this with all seriousness: that's a great photo. I love the mood of it, and the lighting as well. The subject is focused on the camera and smiling, just like all the other classmates that Madison spent time photographing. Anyway, it was a good day for her in class. She had fun!

It was spontaneous, but tonight Madison, Mommy and Daddy got involved in a play tonight that was for the Home School Connection at the church. That would be the home schoolers, who had spent a bit of time working on a play about Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar. Daddy was asked to help, and was initially thinking he'd be backstage or playing some supporting role. One hour before the event, he found out he was actually playing the part of Daniel - and with lines too! Yikes! Don't worry - it all turned out okay, as well as any school play that you've seen. Lots of kids entering and playing some very entertaining characters throughout the whole presentation. During the show, Madison sat with all the children in the front - and I could hear her laughing with everyone the whole time. It's always so good to see her having a good time like that.

"Yes, yes! I cannot sleep! (pauses and looks) Is that a pillow pet?"

- King Nebuchadnezzar


Tonight, Daddy's car got pranked by the girls on staff at the church. We're talking over a thousand post-it notes. It was amazing - simply amazing. It was a masterpiece, and absolutely hilarious!

It was stunning - those are all post-it notes. They said it took over two hours to get them all fixed on the car. There are even post-it notes in multi-colored horizontal stripes across the front of the grill. My vehicle looks like a piƱata!

Now there's something for show and tell!

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