Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jules Verne Day

Today, Jules Verne would have been 183 years old. If he were around today, people would probably tell him, "Man, you're like really old!"

Seriously, this is one of Daddy's favorite authors. We've created the image of Madison in her diving suit above, based on the book "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." It comes complete with giant shell to store oxygen in. We've seen that movie a few times, and even recently "Mysterious Island," though that one was just for the Ray Harryhausen effects. You can't beat James Mason as Captain Nemo, although Kirk Douglas and Peter Lorre were great in it too.

Daddy's favorite book of all time is a Jules Verne novel, "Around the World in 80 Days." I got to read that as a homework assignment about ten years ago and realized there was a lot more to the book than just a guy trying to get around the world in eighty days. I think we have three or four different movie versions of that, and a three different versions of the other movie we intend to watch tonight: "Journey to the Center of the Earth." Classics, all of them!

Madison might not be old enough to get the movies, but tonight's bed time story will be based on the above photo. We'll have a little fun with that, and probably throw Arial into the mix just for fun!


“Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth.” - Jules Verne

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