Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Red Sea

This morning we crossed the Red Sea, as it was time for one last visit with Exodus.  You can see the Pharaoh and his men didn't fair so well, as the Red Sea's rough waters were especially difficult on them.  The Red Sea parted just fine for the Israelites though!

It was a pretty solid morning with some fun Exodus trivia questions, great videos, and a message about stepping out in faith.  The skit was fun, with Maddie and a few others behind the waves, playing the part of "RED SEA."  Yes, that's one of Maddie's many roles:  RED SEA.  Charlton Heston played the part of MOSES, but someone had to play the part of RED SEA, right?

Anyway, we spent a good time after church still cleaning things up a bit and emptying various rooms to prepare for the whitening.  That's the new color the offices are going to be, this brilliant white.  We'll finally leave the zillion shades of grey and go to a gleaming white color that might have us wearing sunglasses indoors!

We got home and had a quick meal, after which Maddie and I were back in Middle Earth for a bit, walking to Mordor.  One might not simply walk into Mordor, but two can.  Maddie and I were collecting all the extra little bits and finding new characters, and yet still after all this time we're not done yet.  It's a big, big game.  It's been fun though!

One of the things I got with my Wonka-themed basket at Easter was a new board game, "Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket Game."  Tonight we sat down to learn the rules, and we actually tried it out.  Maddie chose Veruca Salt as her character, as I went with Charlie Bucket.  It was actually a lot of fun as we were collecting chocolate bars left and right in hopes that the one we collected would contain a Golden Ticket.  Eventually, Maddie used her wealth to get a whole bunch of candy bars, just like Veruca Salt would... and sure enough, there was a Golden Ticket within.  We'll have to try that one again some time!

Tonight's feature film was - yes - "Beneath the Planet of the Apes."  We warned Maddie about this one before hand with the phrase, "It doesn't end well for anyone."  The movie does okay while there are apes, but then the main characters find their way into this subterranean place where it gets all very weird, and obviously there's a message there about civilization destroying itself, but wow.  

General Ursus is the villain of the story, at least at the start, and is actually the coolest looking character in the bunch.  He's got a one-track mind in regards to conquering the world, and a pretty intimidating look about him.  Again, things don't work out for him.  Or anyone else on screen.  No, this is not our favorite of the movies, but it did so well in theaters that someone up high wanted to make another one, despite the fact that the writers killed everyone off and destroyed the planet.  So that's how the tomorrow night's movie came about, as three characters "Escape from the Planet of the Apes."  Oh, we're in the thick of it now!  Two movies down, and seven to go!  Apefest continues!  I wish you could have seen Maddie's face at the end of tonight's flick - she just looked at us like, "Are you kidding?"  And we could only laugh!  Nevertheless, she wanted to see the trailers for the next few.  We'll keep  you up to date on her Ape Education!

We read tonight before bed, and yes, Maddie's got to get up again to go to school tomorrow.  Our short story was actually kind of pathetic and with a sad ending.  And sad middle part.  And another planet being completely destroyed.  Kind of a theme to tonight's media, isn't it?  Anyway, we prayed tonight, and probably should have prayed for the world to be spared destruction.  Tomorrow is that big eclipse and a lot of folks are thinking doomsday again.  We'll see about 80% of the sun covered here, perhaps.  The clouds may play spoiler.

Anyway, the Plush Entourage went down to Maddie's room and everyone got tucked in for a good night's rest.  It was a fun day!

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