Friday, April 12, 2024

Apefest Continues!

Today was a quiet day, but it's a Friday and that's nice.  Maddie had a decent day at school.  She did well with a writing assignment that fellow classmates were appreciating and grading well, and of course there's her work with ceramics coming along, a profound sculpture of ...a duck.  Actually it is looking pretty good so far!

She had taekwondo tonight, and there was a lot of that.  It was a solid night with some extra practice thrown in for good measure, as she's got a tournament coming up in June, one where the team will be rehearsing and getting things together.  They were spending an extra half-hour or so working on extra details there.  Maddie's good with the nunchucks now, a shift from the bo staff, but she's picked up a knack for using these pretty well.  Practice went well tonight.

While at taekwondo, Mom was at home filling out our taxes.  As expected, we're not getting as much of a refund back from the federal government.  Who'd have thunk it?  You'd think in this struggling economy that things would be otherwise, but here we are.

Tonight's flick - the one Maddie waited for - was "Battle for the Planet of the Apes."  This had a budget that resembles a made-for-television movie, where the battle was somewhat more like a skirmish.  Nevertheless, Virgil is a great addition here, and Caesar and Lisa are great characters too.  It was fun watching these together - and we've got four movies to go!  Tomorrow night, we return to the "Burton-verse" with a trip to Tim Burton's vision of "Planet of the Apes."  For the record, we like this one a lot.  Hard to believe it was over twenty years ago though...

We read another bleak "From a Certain Point of View" tonight, a story from Grand Moff Tarkin's perspective - and Orson Krennic's too.  Of course, the latter of these two doesn't get to see the events of "A New Hope," but it was an interesting thing to point out that if he had been around for those events, he would have been able locate the weakness and stop the Rebel Alliance's plans.  Sadly for the Empire, this was not to be.  

We said our prayers after reading tonight, and got to bed at a reasonable hour.  Tomorrow is a special class, the return of a former Edge student turned actual Hollywood stuntman, here for a special morning session.   He was last here in November, and Maddie enjoyed that.  We'll see him again tomorrow morning.

It was time for sleep after prayers.  We walked about like apes for a bit, then tucked everyone in, and had a good night's rest.

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