Saturday, April 20, 2024

Apefest Concludes... for now!

Apefest continued tonight with movie #9, and that of course is the final movie so far, "War for the Planet of the Apes."  None of us had seen this one before, but all three of us enjoyed the big finish to the most recent trilogy.  These last three have such heart, and characters you really care about.  Maddie liked these last three better than the originals, of course, but they're all fun in their own way.  In just a few weeks, we'll see the tenth movie in the franchise, which should be pretty fun to go see in theaters.  Maddie's first Planet of the Apes movie in the theater! 

Okay, so today was a quiet day.  We had a lot of "Hang 10" prep to do, including costuming for surfing beach characters on stage tomorrow.  We went to a few thrift shops, and on top of that, Mom was making me a shark's tooth necklace, which actually turned out really well.  You'll see that on the stage tomorrow with the rest of the service material.  We were out shopping for a few items for the KidPak service, but we were also grocery shopping for a few items for Passover coming up.  Mom got the plates and some other things to help us through a Passover Seder, which of course is next week.  We'll be studying up on that so we can do it properly.  

While we were out, we got some ice cream from Dairy Queen, a few Blizzards and a non-dairy Dilly bar for me.  It was all pretty good for a hot afternoon.  We got home and played some games, including a visit to LEGO Middle Earth, which we're almost done with.  It's such a large world, and it's been a lot of fun spending this time there.  We'll be back again, probably starting from scratch again.

Tonight was a cooler evening by far, and that was a much-needed break for us, especially given that both the air conditioner in the car and the one in the house gave out simultaneously.  We're getting both looked at next week, and going on from there.  

Maddie had her training again this morning, her practice time with Team Edge.  I was at the church getting things ready again with some music cues and printouts and so on.  Tonight we went to bed on time, reading some more from our latest Star Wars short story, and then after that - it was time for prayers.  It's been a decent day.  Tomorrow we start a new one with "Hang 10!"

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