Monday, August 13, 2018


So we're working on Madison's new Chrome book, and it all seems to be going well.  We've got her signed up with an account that is actually attached to this one, and she's able to go in and work on files from home, files that she's been using.  Below is a document she was working on, a bit of an introduction to her teacher and class that she worked on tonight as homework.

Of course, there was other work to do when she got home from school:  right away, we were off to Gainesville for her second piano class.  We were there for a bit - Daddy was writing in the waiting area outside, as Madison was playing piano with her new teacher.  She seems to be fine with the arrangement here.  She's got a new booklet, the next in the series, and she's working on "triplets," which is a musical term I can only guess at for the moment.

Daddy is writing video game devotionals for our next series, which involves a bit of looking back at some classic games and experiences in arcades.  Good times there, and I'm sure I'll post one or two here in the coming days, including a look back on the game "Gauntlet," which apparently has no end.

Madison's studies are there to see on this new system with teachers:  we can see her learning cartography, which is such an amazing word of course.  Most people would say, "she studied how to use maps."  But isn't cartography just such an excellent word?  I digress:  she's learning about latitudes and longitudes, and finding items on the map based on these readings.

We still made time for rest and relaxation tonight:  we watched a few episodes of season four of "Rebels," which so far is pretty good.  It's a shame they're moving on to something new, because the characters have been interesting and the stories have been great.

We read tonight, closing in on finishing this latest book, and we said our prayers as well.  These weekdays are pretty full, aren't they?

Okay - here below is something Madison has written out - a rough draft at the moment.  It's that assignment the students were given, and a way to introduce herself to the class:

你好, 我的名字是麦迪逊 我出生在中国
(Nǐ hǎo, wǒ de míngzì shì màidí xùn Wǒ chūshēng zài zhōngguó)
  Hello, my name is Madison. I was born in China. China is one of the 3 special places to me.

   China is a beautiful place.  It can be humid there in the summer, but there are beautiful plants like cherry blossom trees. There are fish in the lakes and ponds, you can see and be on the Great Wall of China, see the buildings, and so much more. Even the orphanage I was in was nice. One really nice hotel in China is the White Swan Hotel
 A bad thing there is the communism. Communism is a bad thing because you don’t have the right to move out of the country, who you marry, how many children you have, etc. It was one of the reasons why I was in an orphanage. There you can only have 2 children since 2013 if both parents were an only child, but in 2012 and years before, you could only have one children, and it’s mainly boys that are kept (and I’m a girl.)
 The culture there is pretty different there. If you are a Christian that lived there, you’d probably be worshiping Jesus in an underground church (like 99.99% chance.) The food there was weird, like in they would eat jellyfish and squid on pizza.
(Gǎnxiè nín tīng wǒ de yǎnjiǎng; Thank you for listening to my speech)

a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs

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