Here you can see a modification of an old sheet that Daddy made a few years ago, one that shows kids how to use the Bible, basically. It's a "two-edged sword," according to Hebrews 4:12, and this sheet above is fairly basic. And yet it's so obvious sometimes we miss out on things like this, so Daddy made it for the new kids coming in as small groups start up again this new school year. There are a few other sheets we made too, but this one was the most recent, something that goes with our Star Wars theme as well. Note the scripture Rey is searching for is in the book of Luke...

Speaking of which, you can see Madison's new Star Wars friend with us above, as we wait at Funderful World of Music. Madison and Daddy got to piano class a little early, so we posed for a picture with Madison's new little figurine, a Jawa that now officially has a name: Jinky. That's Madison's character's name, Jinky. So now she's officially canon, right?
Anyway, it was a great day today, one with more rain and one with the beginnings of school. We're all planning out the solar system, and maybe a walk along the solar system soon enough. Madison and I talked about posing Jinky by each planet through Gainesville's walk through the solar system. It's something we've never walked before, so it'll be appropriate enough to do it now. Expect those nine or ten pictures soon enough, from the Sun on Gainesville's square to Mercury and the other planets across the square to Jupiter down by Matthews Printing, Saturn along the park there, and all the way to Pluto by the tennis courts. It's a pretty good walk, but it'll be fun.
Mommy and Daddy had the day off today, which meant some front porch time, a new pastime of ours on the front porch reading or doing a bit of writing sometimes too. Daddy is still writing the devotional for the video game series, up to twenty-two days now. But we're still reading too, checking out this PT Barnum book that Mommy gave me as well as some old comic "Excalibur" comic books, a few of which I read with Madison later on tonight.
We saw some more "Star Wars Rebels" tonight, and Madison's intent is to go through all four seasons, so here we are, moving right along. And we're doing that with our book we've been reading tonight, "The Slippery Slope." We've just started this book in the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" books, and this one looks a bit longer than the others so far. Things are wrapping up, and answers are forming a little more, so we're anxious to see how things turn out. One chapter at a time though. That said, we've got three books left after this, so if we're on chapter three, that means we've got about 49 days left until we're done with this series. It's been a long ongoing sort of thing, but again, the girls are terribly into it.
Madison is learning to plot points on graphs at school, and also longitudes and latitudes a bit. She taught the class for a few moments about the autocracy of China, sharing with her classmates the bits about the one child policy and more, which was terribly mature of her, if you ask me. Questions were asked, and the teacher let her speak a few moments about China, as she was probably more qualified to talk on that topic than anyone in the room.
She's doing well at school overall, still with an "A" average, which is easily seen on the computer now, as we can check on her grades whenever we want to, not just overall, but on daily test, homework and project scores. She's doing well, and we're very proud of her.
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