Friday, August 31, 2018

DIY Orrery

It's the last day of the month, and Madison spent some time when she got home painting the last of the planets of the solar system, Uranus and Neptune.  Tomorrow, we'll glue them to the galactic blackboard and have a finished product, but until then, here's a project Daddy was working on, our own personal orrery.  Yes, you could say we were inspired by the Lara Croft movie.  But coincidentally, there was a "build your own orrery" project online, so we thought we'd give it a try:

Here's the orrery, along with our pet porg.  It works somewhat, with the earth actually spinning as it rotates around the sun.   The big yellow one is the sun!

Today was a quiet work day - a lot of the folks at KidPak are either feeling a bit under the weather, or heading out to a camp for the older youth members.  It might be the same illness that Mommy and Daddy had last week, a little sinus trouble going around.

Madison had a decent day today, although there were some lower grades than normal in her business class.  An extra 100 in the class later on helped bring things back up to an A average, but we'll have to focus on that class next.  We may do some typing exercises or something this weekend, along with the finished work on the solar system.

Labor Day is here, and with it a whole lot of odd events like Burning Man and Dragon Con.  There's a rodeo we're thinking of going to, but there's also plenty of other events going on, not to mention all the college football.  We're not big watchers of college football, so we'll have a little more free time than most tomorrow.  We just have the  one assignment, and then a largely free weekend with an extra day tagged on there for Labor Day.  We may just stick around the house, or we could go out and do some small things... whatever!

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