Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Typing and Zombies

We had two skits tonight, and they went rather well this time around.  These are the ones that Josh and Daddy have been doing on the stage in the main sanctuary, in front of a whole lot of people.  They've been fun, and a bit stressful, and now that these two are under our belts, we're feeling better about it all.  We'll be re-recording them for future use, so it's not the last time we'll be doing them.  But it is the last time we're doing the in front of a whole lot of people.  There's something a little less stressful about remembering lines in front of a camera person, rather than thousands of seated people and of course all those watching online.

Anyway, today Madison was working at home on the solar system.  She was painting Saturn, and then Earth and the Moon.  It's a slow process, but she should be done with the entire project by this weekend.  We're really proud of her.  She's doing all the painting, pretty much.  Daddy is helping with the continents of the Earth, but other than that, Madison is responsible for all the paint you'll see on the finished project.  She's taking it one planet at a time.

She was watching the livestream tonight, watching Daddy do his thing on stage.  And soon enough, I was home to read to her - bedtime stories are important!  We don't miss them often, especially with this run of "Unfortunate Events" books.  Tonight we continued with "The Slippery Slope," nearing the end of that one.  We'll be done with these books soon, although from what I understand the author has other books out as well.

Madison did a little piano today, and worked on her typing skills at home as well.  Thus far, I believe she's in the top three for typing speed in the class.  This comes from killing zombies.

This is a screen shot of a game that Madison can actually play at school.  She gets to type words and obliterate zombies at the same time!  I can't really fully express how thrilled I am that there are so many "typing vs. zombie" games out there.  I'm not a big zombie fan, personally, and don't like the shows with zombies in them, typically.  But "typing vs. zombie" games are pretty funny.  I love the panic you have trying to type out, "Brad asked Susan to the dance on Saturday," while a hulking zombie with a chainsaw stumbles towards you.

Madison is doing so well right now with typing, near the top of her class with speed.  Daddy types well too, so the two of us are ready for a zombie apocalypse.  Each day she's going to school, she's training for this sort of thing.  Sure, most people think typing is useful for term papers, business communications, and various presentations.  But no, we all know the truth is that we're training up this next generation to survive a real life-and-death battle against zombie infestations.  Type or die, indeed!  If a plague of zombies comes lurching down River Stone Drive, Madison and I will be out there, armed with our keyboards and ready to take them down!

This one game above is actually school approved, which is to say her teacher recommended it along with others.  When searching for this one in particular, I noticed something.  A quick look online for this game led me to find a few other "typing vs. zombie" games, and all of them are a bit different from each other, but all have the same concept:  type the word before the zombies get to you.  I believe all the designers of these online games were inspired by one of the most important "typing vs. zombie" games ever created, "Typing of the Dead."

This game is legendary, and Daddy still has it, along with the Dreamcast and a keyboard for that system.  This might be the year that Madison tries it out, somewhere during October of course, when it's a seasonal - and educational!  The special agents above are armed with keyboards and a Dreamcast system, and they're ready to battle against these zombies by typing out words as quickly as they can.  If only the cast of "The Walking Dead" or other zombie movies tried out this technique, I think there'd be more survivors.

Anyway, if there's ever a zombie apocalypse, we're ready for it.  We have food, water, and a sturdy base of operations - but most importantly, we have our keyboards!

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