Our Back to School Bash was cancelled tonight because of rain, which is pretty much the first big thing to be cancelled because of rain at KidPak in quite some time. If you think about the amount of rain we've had this year, and consider all the events that are outside that we do - it's amazing that we haven't had anything else negatively affected.
Nevertheless, the rain and lightning came tonight. It was a strong storm, a line of them actually. They came from the north, a solid line of heavy storms, and this time around there was no escaping them. Madison and the other kids went inside tonight, and we had them all in one room to begin with, and then several separate rooms later doing games and activities.
The fun news was that Madison won the cup game tonight. There's this fast-reflexes game where kids face off against each other as an announcer/host calls out "Head," "Shoulders," "Knees," and "Toes." Different things are called out, and the two people facing off have to put their hands on whatever is called out. Some time in there, the word "Cup" is called out, and whoever is the first to grab the cup is the winner. We start out with a lot of contestants, and of course, each time you play, you reduce that number by half. It all comes down to the last two, and in this case tonight, Madison came away the winner over everyone in the whole room. She was quite proud of this. Okay, we are too!
Anyway, the kids were in their rooms because tonight, the set for the auditorium was being built. We're building Hoth in there, and it's turning out really well! We even have the air conditioning on super strong to make it feel like Hoth down here! Okay, so that's not something we actually planned. But nevertheless, it's always cold down here.
Daddy and Josh were in yet another skit for Dr. Rutland tonight on stage in the main sanctuary, so we did miss a little of what is going on downstairs. We met with Dr. Rutland about future skits too, as things seem to be going pretty well. The next skit needs a few more props, it turns out, and it might be one of the last we do for this series. It's been fun though!
Today, Madison finished up her 'Mathography." This is a word that's made up, I think, but I also see it used online elsewhere, so perhaps not. Nevertheless, Madison finished it up, and it's just simply an introduction of herself to her teacher, one that includes a small history of Madison's own experiences with math in the past. W
Nevertheless, the rain and lightning came tonight. It was a strong storm, a line of them actually. They came from the north, a solid line of heavy storms, and this time around there was no escaping them. Madison and the other kids went inside tonight, and we had them all in one room to begin with, and then several separate rooms later doing games and activities.
The fun news was that Madison won the cup game tonight. There's this fast-reflexes game where kids face off against each other as an announcer/host calls out "Head," "Shoulders," "Knees," and "Toes." Different things are called out, and the two people facing off have to put their hands on whatever is called out. Some time in there, the word "Cup" is called out, and whoever is the first to grab the cup is the winner. We start out with a lot of contestants, and of course, each time you play, you reduce that number by half. It all comes down to the last two, and in this case tonight, Madison came away the winner over everyone in the whole room. She was quite proud of this. Okay, we are too!
Anyway, the kids were in their rooms because tonight, the set for the auditorium was being built. We're building Hoth in there, and it's turning out really well! We even have the air conditioning on super strong to make it feel like Hoth down here! Okay, so that's not something we actually planned. But nevertheless, it's always cold down here.
Daddy and Josh were in yet another skit for Dr. Rutland tonight on stage in the main sanctuary, so we did miss a little of what is going on downstairs. We met with Dr. Rutland about future skits too, as things seem to be going pretty well. The next skit needs a few more props, it turns out, and it might be one of the last we do for this series. It's been fun though!
Today, Madison finished up her 'Mathography." This is a word that's made up, I think, but I also see it used online elsewhere, so perhaps not. Nevertheless, Madison finished it up, and it's just simply an introduction of herself to her teacher, one that includes a small history of Madison's own experiences with math in the past. W

We got to bed later tonight, but we still made time to read and say our prayers. Despite the rain, there are always things to celebrate and be glad about, and one of them is the remarkable favor we've had with the weather this summer for all of Madison's events and camps. And another thing: she won the cup game. That's a big deal for her, although it might not seem like it to anyone else reading this now. But for Madison today, winning our famous cup game is like winning the lottery - but there's no luck involved, just fast reflexes.
So let's go to bed tonight. Tomorrow the temperature and weather will be roughly the same, but it's just fine. It's been a great day today, and it'll be a great day tomorrow too!
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