Monday, August 27, 2018

The Great Black Foam Board Shortage of 2018

Tonight we had piano again, so Daddy got Madison to class just in time as always.  It's a bit of a spring when she gets off the bus to eating whatever it is that Mommy has carefully timed to getting in the car and going, but we've managed to make it all work so far.  Her teacher is pleased with progress so far, and she's doing okay - we won't be there next Monday though, as it is Labor Day.

Daddy was out looking for this black foam board to use for the solar system project, and after dropping by two stores, there was none.  I suspect everyone else is using black foam board to create their own solar systems, and thus the Great Black Foam Board Shortage of 2018 has started, with panicking parents making a run on all the black foam board sources, some buying extra black foam board just in case an emergency comes along.  The resulting shortage is something that cannot be underestimated, and must be addressed by our political leaders!

Anyway, we got home and did some reading, part three of the recent Marvel comic book series we've been checking out.  In the "The X-Cutioner's Song," our old friend Cable has just come back, and of course it's quite a surprise what's going on.

Madison did not have any homework today, so that was a blessing.  We did a bit of Star Wars tonight, starting with "Battlefront II," which basically inspired us to play as the dark troopers, because we saw one of them yesterday.  He's not exactly the same, but we liked playing him regardless, especially in tight corridors.  After that, we watched an episode of "Rebels," moving along with the complete binge-watching of the entire show.  We learned that the Grand Inquisitor used to be a Jedi Temple Guard, which makes a tiny bit of sense.

We read tonight from "The Slippery Slope," and from our devotional, and after prayers and zerberts, it was time for bed once more.  It's a full day at school, and it's been great because it starts later for us this year, so we sort of get to sleep in somewhat.  The drop-off process at the middle school is a complete breeze too, so there's no stress at all in the mornings, really.

When Madison was off to school, we were working on a few different things, such as the new "Level Up" series, catching up on this blog somewhat, and the important task of sitting on the front porch, reading.  Yes, first thing in the morning, it's great to sit out there and relax, reading a book.  I've been on this Barnum autobiography for a while now, and enjoyed reading a bit from that this morning. But after that I was writing thank you notes and future messages as well.

Mommy and Daddy decided to have a little date today, going to see a movie while Madison was at school.  We checked out "Crazy Rich Asians."

It was a good movie, although probably not one that would captivate Madison at this time.  Still, there is significance to the movie, as it has been very popular and uses an entirely Asian cast.  It is surprising to read that there hasn't been a mainstream movie in America that has an entirely Asian cast in something like twenty-five years or so.  The simple fact is that they haven't made one.  Don't blame us for not wanting to go see it.  Make a good movie, and we'll go see it, right?  That's generally how things work.  It's not that we're not ready for it.  It's that it hasn't existed.

Anyway, this movie was very pleasant, and a nice little romantic comedy to go out to see together.  It was so different going to see a movie without Madison in between us, but it was good to have some together time.  Madison was just fine with it - this was a movie that isn't on her watch list, at least not yet.  I think she'd like it some day.

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