Thursday, July 5, 2018

Dinosaur Bugs

We got our car back today, and it looks pretty good - and the process was very straight-forward to have it repaired.  We did that just after a visit to the dentist for Madison, which went very well, by the way.  Madison had no problems at all, an all-clear for her, and there was much celebrating there.  We got the car afterwards, which required first the drop-by at the body shop, and then the drop-off at the car rental place.  It was a good rental, actually.  But it was really nice that we didn't have much to worry about for payments for both the rental place and the body shop.  The biggest hassle was simply having to show up in the first place, which wasn't that big of a deal.

Today we went back to the library, anticipating that we'd be finished with one book at the beginning of our vacation, so we put a few other books on hold and dropped by to pick those up as well.  We got our snacks at the grocery store, and we got ourselves home to do some packing.

Madison has decorated her door this summer, and she worked on some more artwork today.  She did some piano, still trying to master "A Million Dreams."  She's also reading more, so it's not that she's doing nothing but play video games all day.  Although there's a bit of that too - she's been into something called "Roboblox" lately, and of course building her Minecraft masterpiece.  Ever since Daddy was talking about it at KidPak last week, a lot of other kids have been talking to Madison about her constructions.

We read some comic books today - Daddy read that first issue with Bishop in it, where he steps out of  the future to surprise Trevor Fitzroy.  Madison is very much into these comic books, so yes, we've packed a few of the next series from Uncanny X-Men to bring along.  Both storylines were great between X-Men and Uncanny X-Men, although the artwork with X-Men was much better early on.

This year, we're dealing with giant bugs in the house.  Two years ago, it was ant trails.  You'd battle those and find weaknesses in the house and develop clever traps.  After a bitter campaign, we seemed to have won that struggle.  But now, it appears as if we have dinosaur bugs in the house.  Palmetto bugs - have you seen these?  We've got these ginormous beetles that appear from time to time, and of course they're all introduced to the marine route out of the house.  But now we've got these ginormous ants also, some scouts that are exploring the house.  Home ownership is a war against potential ecosystems that want to develop within!  We'll win though.  We shall go on to the end!  We shall fight in the kitchen, and in the bathrooms and in the bedrooms, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our home, whatever the cost may be!  Okay, I'm done.

Time to get packing, as we have more to do before we get out the door.

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