We had another busy day today! This morning we started out with our last visit of the week to art camp, where Madison was busy creating even more wonderful material. At the end of it all, we dropped by the Quinlan Art Center, where Madison was glad to show off all of her material on display. It was quite a collection! We took it home and placed it all across the kitchen table, and one by one talked about each one, the process to make each one, and how well they all turned out. She likes some more than others, but even the ones she is least fond of are still good to Mommy and Daddy.
We finished the wishing machine today, or at least Mommy did. She was working on that while Daddy was at work. It turn out really well, and we took it for a "test run" in the bathroom downstairs, the one with no window. With the lights off, it turned out pretty good! Mommy and Madison were in there in the dark, with the wishing machine turned on and spinning. It should be nice on Sunday when we use it on stage.
This afternoon we had some time together, and there's a building excitement about our upcoming Star Wars series at KidPak, which is returning very soon. We were assisting our friend Chris in his ideas for the designs for our t-shirts. Take a look at one of the early ideas:
We've been doing Star Wars games with Madison, including a return to Disney Infinity, as well as more "Battlefront II." We had a great time, the two of us, strolling along in our AT-ATs, side by side, destroying snow speeders and rebel scum!
Our day was not over yet though - we had plans to see a play tonight!
Our day was not over yet though - we had plans to see a play tonight!

One of our neighbors was in a play being put on by the Forsyth Academy of Performing Arts - I found this picture below online of the event.
These are the flowers, who you can learn a lot from, singing about how great they are, and about how ugly Alice is. This adaptation is rather abusive to Alice, with all the citizens of Wonderland rather unhelpful. But they were all fun, and the production itself was rather well done. The gimmick is this: work on this started two weeks ago. They had something like eleven rehearsals, and all the while, they were working on set design, as well as music and lighting cues. It's all part of a camp, one that is put on each summer: kids sign up, and for two weeks they work on a large scale production. In the end, tickets are sold and there are a few performances over the weekend, where parents, friends and guests can see what they were able to put together. And honestly, it's pretty impressive. There was choreography and many lines to memorize. Everything went remarkably smooth, as if they'd been practicing for quite a bit longer. It turned out really well.
The other reason for attending this was to check it out, possibly for Madison next year. She expressed interest in this, and perhaps it's something we'll be posting more about next year. She enjoyed the show, and afterwards, we found our friend on stage to let her know how much of a great job she did (we sat next to her family in the audience). It really did turn out well!
We left Wonderland again, and this time we were on our way home. It was later, so we did our reading thing, and we prayed as well, thanking God for a wonderful week, and a great and full day today.
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