Sunday, July 1, 2018

Adoption Day

So here's another big anniversary:  ten years ago Madison was officially a part of our family. We signed papers, smudged fingerprints, answered questions and pledged oaths.  We walked away from a tiny office officially as parents, even though in our minds that all started the day before.  Still, it was nice to have everything all nice and certified, authenticated and notarized.

We had a quiet day today, certainly in respect to all the other bang and clatter that was going on the last few weeks.  One big event was Daddy as the speaker this morning at KidPak, finishing up our series on "The Incredibles."

You can tell by the image in the background that we were talking about Jack-Jack, and therefore talking about potential.  It was the message posted yesterday on this blog, in fact.  It went really well. Really well, in fact.  There was this one girl at the end who came up for prayer, and when we started to hear the particulars, it was very humbling.

After church, we celebrated Adoption Day with a trip to Texas Roadhouse, because where else would you go to celebrate Chinese Adoption?  Seriously, this is a safe place for Mommy to eat and it's a place all three of us usually love to eat at.  So there you go.  We did have an unusually talkative waitress that kept coming back to literally sit down next to us and talk about Canada (it's Canada Day, but the way and she's from Canada).  This marks the second extended vaguely uncomfortable visit by a waiter/waitress while we were at Texas Roadhouse.  The last waiter we had there literally started out his welcoming speech by telling us he served in Iraq and has PTSD.  So after that point, we listened to whatever he had to say really closely.  Seriously, he was an okay guy and we tipped him a little bigger than usual.

I've gotten off course here, haven't I?

Anyway, we enjoyed the meal part, and we made our way home.  There was a tremendous rainstorm today, more loud thunder and lightning and heavy downpours, enough to keep that lake way too full.  But it cooled the temperature down too, so we were happy about that part.  The rain is okay too - God knows what He's doing, and we're okay with it!

Tonight we watched "Meet the Robinsons" again, partially because of that adoption theme, but also because Daddy loves the Bowler Hat Guy.  One of my favorite quotes in all movies ever is this:

"I know!  I'll turn him into a duck!  Yes, yes, it's so evil!"

"Wait.  I don't know how to do that.  And... I ... I don't really need a duck."

Anyway, it's a great movie.  All three of us enjoyed it!  And all three of us went to bed after that, saying prayers, and doing a bit more reading from "The Ersatz Elevator."  It's been a beautiful decade, with so many happy memories.  You look back and long for certain days again, but the thing is that we're living in some amazing days now.  And besides, you don't have any choice.  So live these ones you have now, and just know that some day you'll be looking back on these days with that same sort of longing.  Until you stop and realize that the days you're given right now are the best ever, and it's all going to be okay.

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