Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Dairy Intolerant Trolls

Yes, there's Ernest again.  Tonight we saw "Ernest Scared Stupid," and learned an important little factoid about trolls that steal children:  evidently they're all lactose intolerant.  The irony, of course, is that Daddy is currently operating under the assumption that he himself is dairy intolerant.  Fortunately, it is not as severe as it was with these trolls:  all you had to do was load up a squirt gun with milk, and with one well-aimed shot, each troll was obliterate, transformed into a puddle of smelly goo.  Daddy is grateful that this sort of thing doesn't happen to him while he's exposed to milk.  But as noted earlier, milk inside food products is everywhere, and in places you just don't think.  For example, inside Ramen Noodles.  Yes, it's true.  If you threw a pack of Ramen Noodles at a troll, he'd disintegrate - because there's milk in there.  Other choice weapons that contain milk:  doughnuts, biscuits, cookies, cheese puffs, and chocolate kisses.  And all these are the less obvious choices in our arsenal, because there's also dairy in pizza, ice cream and cheese sticks too.  Our house is filled with dairy products.  And basically, this is why we have never seen a troll around here.

So troll-free, we enjoyed our day today.  There was music class once more, which was great once more:  Madison did her first Irish jig today.  One of the tunes she is playing is in fact called "Irish Jig," which everybody has heard before, of course.  You can't help but hear it each March.  Madison and the other students in class are learning a bit of rhythm, so Mrs. Pam showed them how to do an Irish jig, with hands at their sides and feet sweeping to and fro to the rhythm.  The hope was to have a troop of Riverdancers there, but of course it turned out into something completely different.  Amongst the students, there was no Lord of the Dance!

But they still enjoyed themselves, as they do each week.  Madison has not fallen behind in class, or with any of her work, and is right there where she's supposed to be as far as learning goes.  So this is all good, and we've been pleased with her progress, and her work moving forward.

Well, and now for the bad news.  Lice again.  This is such a regular story the last two years:  the special shampoo, the nit-picking, the stripping of the bed, and stuffed animals in quarantine.  We're not sure where these little critters are coming from, or who, but it is pretty draining on the spirit.

To liven things up, Daddy started a new book with Madison, while Mommy picked through her hair.  It was one based on the "Descendants" movie, so as you would expect, the time went by quickly for Madison.  We did about three chapters, actually.  This gives you an idea of how long it takes to go through Madison's lengthy hair, looking carefully for those little nits to click and drag out.

The weather has been gorgeous, but rain is apparently on the way soon.  And it is on the way via a very bad storm that's coming.  We won't see the winds of Hurricane Patricia, but we'll see a lot of the rain.  And that may affect our Fall Festival next week, but we'll see how it all unfolds.  Until then, our prayers are for those folks in its path.

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