Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to the Future Day

So here we are at October 21st, 2015.  This is the day we've all been looking ahead to see if we could make it to - probably with even more interest in any of those last four blood moons.  It's not Doomsday - it's Back to the Future Day.  And it was a sweet one.  We saw a clip of Doc Brown this morning, reminding us that our future is unwritten - and to make it a good one.  Furthermore, Doc and Marty McFly had appearances on television last night.  It was good to see.

Madison has not seen the "Back to the Future" movies yet, but she knows a lot about them, certainly today.  In "Back to the Future 2," Doc Brown sets the time traveling DeLorean to go forward in time 30 years go the year 2015.  That seemed so far away at one time.

The movie's most famous props are flying cars and hoverboards, neither of which are as prevalent in 2015 like we all hoped.  The conspiracy here is that we're actually living in an alternate 2015 right now, one where people where single ties, and there is no "Jaws 19."

Regardless of the various disappointments, things aren't really that bad, of course.  It's a good future we're in, and despite the fact that there are no rehydrated pizzas and Mr. Fusions, today was a pretty good day.

Part of the celebration involved us doing a special service tonight, one dedicated to the world of the movies, and one where we talked about the future, especially about the promise of Jeremiah 29:11.  We had a race set back in 1955, and we had some new video clips, including one we sort of threw together at the last minute.

Meanwhile, Madison had a short day at school - it's that week each October where teachers meet with parents, and report cards come out.  Friday is a day off, and the next few days are early-release.  Madison still had ballet to go to, so she and Mommy were off to Brenau for a bit.  But the day was a nice relaxing one, and with the weather so beautiful outside, we all had smiles on our faces throughout the day, quite content with things.

Happy "Back to the Future" Day.  It's a once-in-a-lifetime day, and it was a great one.  Here below is one last thing Daddy wrote for this series, one more thing to share before signing out for the day.  So, until this time tomorrow, it's time for me to make like a tree… and get out of here.


     If there’s one thing to learn here, it’s that nothing is impossible with God! You may be along a road in life where every direction is blocked. But God’s answer is: “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”
     The Bible – and history beyond that – are filled with stories of supernatural deliverance. At his lowest hour, King Hezekiah asked God to be healed – and to prove His power, God actually moved the sun backwards! The sundials telling time suddenly started going back in time!
If you’re in a desperate situation like King Hezekiah, there’s One you should talk with. With just a few words, our God created the heavens and the earth. His spirit hovered over the waters faster than a hoverboard, and when He said let there be light, it was there with more power than a flux capacitor! What’s a flux capacitor? Don’t worry about it – the point is this: God is powerful!
     So don’t limit Him, and if you’re in need of something more, there’s no better source to call out to. He’s the God of miracles, and with Him all things are possible! 

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