Sunday, October 7, 2012

Uber Spooky

So today we began our spooky series, "No Fear."  It went very well - as you can see, the characters on the steps are on their way to a Fall Festival, and on the way their van breaks down (by the river).  They're forced to stay at an old mansion until they can get it repaired, and that's where our mystery begins.  Note the butler and maid in the forefront - they're creepy and they're cooky!

Today after church, Madison, Mommy and Daddy sat down for a meal.  Daddy asked Madison what she learned in church this morning, at which point she amazed us:  she recited the entire memory verse for our series, already!  "God didn't give us a spirit that makes us weak," she said.  "He gave us a spirit that makes us strong and with love."  It wasn't exactly the memory verse, but it was pretty close - and pretty long, considering.  Also, it got the point across just fine, thank you very much.

The Scarecrow you see above was actually the star of the skit down the hall in KidPak Jr.  Madison saw him enter, and yell out "Boo!"  But as the story revealed, this scarecrow had a not-so-secret fear:  he was afraid of crows!  Enter the crows each time, and you can see how the skit was a lot of fun for everyone involved.  Of course, the Scarecrow reads the memory verse and gets the point:  he's not supposed to be so scared.  God didn't give us a spirit of fear!

Daddy had to work very late today - Christmas auditions.  But he and Madison did have some time together playing games and doing more piano.  Not much though - today was a day that wore us all out!

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