Monday, October 15, 2012

International Air Show

We had a great air show this afternoon when Madison got home from school.  Daddy showed her how to make a paper airplane, and while not a model of perfection, she was air-worthy.  After the folding, next came the decorating, which was just as much fun as actually flying the thing.  Madison, the aerial engineer, was quite into the entire project:  we sat there at the kitchen table, meticulously planning out the design and look of our aircrafts.  But soon it was time for take-off!

We took turns going upstairs to the bridge, and from there it was time to take flight!  Daddy showed Madison the proper way to throw a paper airplane, and once she mastered this, she began tossing her creations into the air, watching them drift and spiral downwards.

"Good landing!" she called out.  She was really into this!

Today was one of those days to chill.  We packed, we cleaned, we prepared.  Madison doesn't know what we're preparing for, of course.  It's still a secret!  But it's a secret that hard to keep.  Less than a week from now, we'll be trick-or-treating in the Magic Kingdom.  Daddy and Mommy are still fuzzy on their costumes - I think we'll wind up being pirates.  It's the simplest thing to wear when moving around a theme park in Florida.  But Madison's costume is nice:  she'll be Jasmine.  Mommy even bought her a Jasmine necklace from the Disney Store online.  Yep, she'll be really surprised at that.  Madison loves the bling.

Speaking of "flying" and "air show," tonight we finished our first Disney Fairy story, "Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg."  It was the largest book she's ever listened to - and she was quite focused when the action started.  She really enjoyed this story quite a bit, so much so that we'll have to go get part two relatively soon.  Daddy has a copy of it at the house, but there's something unique about listening to the audio version of it from the library.  Some time ago, before the Tinkerbell movies, this was the official Disney Fairy series.  These books feature characters that aren't in the Tinkerbell movies - in fact the main fairy in this story is one named Prilla, who I don't think is in any of the movies.

Madison has been listening to the adventures of Prilla, Rani and Vidia for the past month, which is a story I first read a long time ago. It's a good read.  In fact, I purchased a Prilla doll long before we met Madison.  We bought nearly the entire series' worth of dolls - except Vidia (couldn't find her).  We also bought a lot of paperback books of the series, with the thought that someday Madison could read the individual adventures of the fairies.  Or, at least Daddy could read them to her at night.

This was so long ago, years before we actually met Madison.  And yet here we are coming upon the time where I'll actually sit and read some of these stories to her.  How time flies - in many ways, when investing in the books, I pictured myself someday sitting with our daughter, reading.  It was all a vague dream of the future - and yet here we are now:  the future has arrived.  Our dreams have taken flight!

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