Sunday, October 14, 2012

Spooky Brownies

When Daddy got home from church late this afternoon, Madison was anxious to get ready to decorate!  Mommy recently picked up some brownie pans in the shape of houses - and with October here, there's only one real way to decorate them:  with spiders, webs, creepy eyes, pumpkins and of course candy corn!

Daddy and Madison making spooky brownies - sweet and scary!
What a fun thing at family time.  Mommy had it all set up for us, and so all we had to do was start decorating.  Daddy and Mommy helped Madison out a little, but once we got her started, she created a masterpiece largely on her own.  Want to see it?

Madison designed her own brownie, complete with spiders, webs, creepy eyes and an entrance with plenty of doorknobs! 

Meanwhile, Daddy was making his creation as well - here it is:

Daddy's brownie:  the only thing you have to fear here are the calories!
It was this sort of afternoon - after piano practice, it was time for another first for Madison:

We finally let her see "The Nightmare Before Christmas."  She got her customary large tub of popcorn (everything is large to her!), and hunkered down for a night in front of our movie screen.  Everyone loved the movie - it's one of Daddy's favorites.  She likes Sally, of course, and was immediately worried when Sally and Santa had to be rescued - but she knew that Jack would come back for them.  Daddy's favorite character is the Mayor. 

Here's a guy you can depend on.  Sure, he starts to panic a little easily - but he's also a natural leader, and a guy who likes to get things done.  Best of all, I've seen absolutely no negative campaigning from him.  Sure, some folks might think he's two-faced, and just another politician.  But having two faces is a good thing:  you see both sides of every issue! 

"What a splendid idea!  This Christmas sounds fun.  I fully endorse it - let's try it at once!"
- The Mayor

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