Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Madison spent some time with the Humane Society today, where she encountered a R.O.U.S., a rodent of unusual size.  Look at that thing's tail!  She was spending time with Nana and Ye-Ye tonight, while Mommy and Daddy were completing a huge chapter in our lives:  the sale of our old house.  We signed a stack of papers roughly three feet tall, as did the new owners - they seem like nice people.  Of course, we feel they're really nice because they're buying our house.  It's been two years since the house was put on the market, or at least something close to that.  Our new real estate agent last spring estimated the home would sell by October, and look at where we are now:  October.

Although we are both quite sentimental about our first house together, home is where the heart is.  And our heart is in our new home right here.

Tonight, Ba-Ba arrived from Florida - more eventful news there!  He's brought with him our new car, which we're purchasing this week.  We'll have to take care of the arrangements this week, and do so rather quickly - what with an upcoming trip on Thursday in the works.  It's going to be a busy week - and don't get me started about all that has to happen at work.  But it's an eventful week, and a lot of it is good news.

Finally, the debate.  Another one.  This is number two, where both candidates decided to show up.  It was pretty rough to watch if you don't like hearing a big argument go on for an hour and a half.  In the end, I'm not entirely sure if there was a clear winner.  Partisans like myself will claim their candidate won on this or that, but one thing is clear:  this election seems closer than any we've ever seen in our lifetime.  We must continue to pray and fast, or else for the next four years we'll be stuck with a R.O.U.S.

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