Friday, October 26, 2012

Scooby Doo, Where are You?

Madison will love this idea.  She's been so into Scooby Doo lately, and tonight we did a video for the church with the theme of Scooby Doo, all on location at a spooky abandoned warehouse!  You can see above, we had characters dressed as Daphne, Fred, Velma, and Shaggy.  And yes, there's even a Scooby Doo!  Daddy will provide the voice for Scooby (the best he can), and also play the role of a police officer.  Somewhere in that warehouse is a spooky ghost - or is it a suspect?  The gang looks for clues, and the villain might just get away with it, if it isn't for those meddling kids - and their dog.

It was a late night, but a fun one.  Still, Daddy is away from Mommy and Madison and misses them dearly.  Mommy made this incredible cake - you'll just have to see it.  The thing looks just like a pumpkin!

She put two bunt cakes together, covered them with orange icing - and then used a ice cream cone for the stem - and that was covered with brown icing.  It'll taste delicious, of course.  But that cake looks really, really good!

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