Saturday, December 28, 2024

Frozen Musical


We had our tickets today to see "Frozen," pretty much the first time this play is being performed in the Southeast, and of course at the City Springs Theatre.  We had our season tickets for this year, and this was play number two, the first being "The Music Man."  We left early enough to arrive about an hour early, and as far as this photo shoot above goes, that was a good idea - this location had a massive line in about fifteen minutes!  We got our usual snacks and had a seat and waited until the doors opened.

And when they did, we found our seats, those beautiful seats right there at the front of the balcony, dead center.  Yes, these are amazing seats for the production.  We were seated, flipping through our program, ready to watch.  Why, I even had my Olaf socks on!

These socks made an appearance back at Summer Xtreme on stage, so it's only fitting that six months later they're here for the play!

It was a fun afternoon!  It was interesting to see how they extended things in places, making adjustments here or there, and of course adding special effects for Elsa's abilities.  There were so many little girls dressed up as Elsa and Anna, and the atmosphere was fantastic.  We enjoyed the show very much, and of course the musical performances were really great!

Amazingly, we got out of there so fast afterwards.  I mean, wow.  We walked off the balcony and straight out the door and straight to our car and just had such favor getting out of there quickly.  We needed that favor, because the weather was miserable on the way home.  It was the worst kind of weather to drive in, but we made it home without incident, and were grateful for that.

We got home and had a relaxing remaining day.  We ate dinner together, played some games, and continued our clean-up of the house, putting Christmas things away and so on.  We stopped to do our devotional time as well, lighting our next candle on the menorah.  Maddie used the Shamash to light the candles as we read the scriptures, and then we read the devotional as the light came forth from the candles.  It was very nice.

Tonight's programing was another viewing of "The Music Man," the version with Matthew Broderick and Christine Chenoweth from 2003.  Recently we saw "The Music Man" on stage down at Sandy Springs, and so we were interested in seeing this other movie too.  It just wasn't available immediately.

We'd never seen it before, and it was actually a difficult thing to find - but I ordered a copy for Mom on DVD.  We opened up the DVD today, and it was actually unwrapped, unused, and from K-Mart.  That's how long ago this was sitting on a shelf, and finally opened.  Anyway, we really enjoyed the movie - a great version of the classic story, with great music too.  In this version, Marian is welcomed into the girl group that formerly didn't respect her - we saw that in the stage musical too.  For some reason, that isn't shown in the 1962 movie.  There were a few other differences that were smaller, but overall we thought it was a really good production.

But wow, I was tired afterwards.  It was a longer movie, and it was a long day.  Still, we made time to read tonight, and of course we said our prayers too.  I fell asleep quickly, but woke up in the night with a huge storm rolling through the night.  It was loud, but we were kept safe through the night.  

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