Sunday, September 13, 2020

Return to KidPak!

It was a historic moment today as Madison and many others came back inside the building for a service at Free Chapel.  You can see her here in the second row, sitting with the Hunter family for the first service.  Here's a picture she took with her phone just before that momentous first service.

Meanwhile, we were having a blast down at KidPak.  We started back with a rip-roaring new series, "Trailblazers," where we had cowboys and cowgirls out there on the stage.  Madison took this picture during the second service while she was volunteering.

Everyone got these wristbands today to go with the upstairs message, one set as a reminder and a scripture on it.

Madison was snapping a few shots today with her phone, this being one of the wristband, and others to commemorate this big occasion.  It was amazing to see everyone together again, and it was inspiring to be all back together again, at least most of us.  Mommy is not here, but we were managing okay this morning, thanks to an incredible team at KidPak.  Here's Dawn, one of our amazing volunteers, and our neighbor, letting everyone know this ain't her first rodeo.

And of course the kids were delighted to see this guy below, Nerdo, in his triumphant return to the stage at KidPak.  The format this morning had us doing this skit four times in a row!  We have to get used to that one, and the timing of it all.  

But the actors did such a great job, and it was a lot of fun for everyone.  We had cowboys and cowgirls and all kinds of excitement.  And of course, there was the live worship we had going on too!

It was a special morning at KidPak, and it felt like old times in a way.  We were pretty tired getting home, and although it was a bit earlier, it still felt the same way it used to feel on a Sunday afternoon, a deep sense of satisfaction at going to church, and helping things along in such a wonderful way.  Lots of people were blessed and for the most part everyone was patient and understanding as we had to have social distancing, masks, and a different traffic style that had people moving along one way only.

So today we were packing, but packing for me only as tomorrow I'm making a long trip down by myself to Daytona.  Got to pack some tunes, some podcasts and so forth.  Also some clothing I guess!  This will be the first time I'll be this far away from Madison since June of 2008, so that's quite a record.  We won't be long, but there's a lot to do, and Mommy is so exhausted in Florida.  We spoke with her on the phone tonight, and it was nice seeing the two of them on the screen. We put them on the living room television screen, and talk for a while about everything that's going on, and what was missed.  Mommy is making progress.  We're making appointments with the VA, the cemetery, real estate agents and more.  A lot is going on, and then there is such intense grieving.  It's still quite painful.

We said our prayers tonight, this after reading together, which is nice and pleasant.  We'll have to try reading from Florida tomorrow night, as Madison's babysitter sets us up on a video call.  It's going to be challenging, but we can do it.

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