Sunday, May 6, 2018


Here's Madison, pretty exhausted after doing quite a bit of running around!  Tonight Madison and Daddy were extras in our Summer Xtreme movie.  Daddy has a cameo elsewhere, but for one scene, there needed to be a crowd running away from something, and running in a panic.  So we got a crowd together, and a bunch of us showed up at the Gainesville Square to run and scream in terror.  Madison was with a group of other girls, and the four of them were seated on the ground talking when... RUN!  And that was basically it for all of us, for about ten to twelve takes from different angles.  It was easy and weather was nice, and it was good to see everyone.  Plus, it was kind of fun.  Being an extra means very little responsibility - just running a lot.

This morning was the graduation service for our friends, and Madison was up there with us to watch Camille, Mary Shannon and others have their names called out, in order to receive a certificate (and hear us cheer).  It was brief, but it was great to have all of us up there from KidPak, sneaking up into the auditorium to scream real loud... and run back downstairs again to continue service.  Don't worry: we left things in good hands.  Daddy asked if Madison wanted to go to this Free Chapel College, and right after that graduation, Madison said yes.  So Daddy said he'd sign her up next year, at which point she was quick to point out, "But I'm only in middle school!"

We had a good day this morning, with an invention and a message based on the movie "Tangled."  We're still in our "Legends" series a few more weeks, and it's been a long one - but a good one.  Afterwards, we got home and did some piano and a little bit of fighting in "Battlefront II."  This is Madison's new game to be enthused about.  We talk about it on the way to and from places, about this vehicle or that battle or whatever.

It was a great day today, and a full one with us returning to film for a while.  Daddy took a few more pictures of the extras, but it was only about an hour and a half that we were there.  It was fun!

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