Peas on earth! What a nice idea, huh? Elf had a pretty simple but cute idea for this morning, a nice way to greet the day. Each day this month as well, there's been a Tsum Tsum under the front room's tree, adding more and more to her collection. Some of these are so obscure though. This morning's Tsum Tsum was one of Grand Moff Tarkin. Which is a bit obscure, to say the least.
Today is Tuesday, the last one before Christmas. We've been wrapping, and doing a bit more decorating around the house too. The rooms are looking so nice lately, with Christmas trees and garland. We got a frame for Madison's large Rudolph picture she did, and that's hanging up now. The new nutcracker has joined the others - this one from the elf. It's got a sea turtle theme to it, so obviously it's one that Madison likes.
She's doing "Christmas around the World" in her school, as the kids are learning about the holiday in different classrooms. Her classroom is Italy, so "Buon Natale!" We'll see a few pictures of that later on this week when Daddy comes to her classroom for the Christmas party. But in the meantime, there are decorations, and Italian flags. I need to go out and get some cannoli, while we're thinking of it. Any time is a good time for cannoli!

Each day, we've been checking in on the Gävle Goat, and it seems to be doing just fine this year. Anything over last year is an improvement, when some ghastly person burned it down right away. You know the community had to be devastated. And yet, it's a love/hate thing, as that burning down is the thing that got everyone's attention to begin with. It's sort of a reason it's on the map. But then the counter to that is that you can't really plan a visit to see the thing, as you know it might not be there when you arrive, as it might be burned down. Regardless, this year we've been watching the goat, and are quite happy to report that it is doing okay.
Madison finished her book today, "Number the Stars." She enjoyed this book, and it might be added here that she enjoys a lot of books. We've been reading tonight - and for the next few nights - the original Nutcracker story by ETA Hoffman. This is decidedly different from the ballet, as we're reading now. There are elements in the story that go to the ballet, but the story itself is a bit different. Clearly, we'll be still reading this one after Christmas.
Tonight, we said our prayers, reading our Scrooge-themed devotional still. The next few days will be busy for us, but that's okay. It's Christmas season, and it's going by fast!
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