This morning the Ewoks captured Jingle Bell, and it appears as if Snowflake is being ridden by Luke and Leia through a forest on Endor. Yub nub indeed! Note the hang gliding Ewok. I think there are about seven Ewoks there, though I can' name them all. I believe Logray, Chirpa, and Wicket are there, but I couldn't tell you a few of them right now.
This morning we concluded our visit with Ebenezer Scrooge, and everything went well. You can see Madison amongst the crowd below.

This is about the time that Scrooge is telling everyone "Merry Christmas," and showing a bit of joy for the first time.
Madison did well again, moving through the audience and acting on stage as well. She didn't have any lines this week, but performed well with the rest of the actors on stage. It was a fine way to wrap up the series. There is a sense of accomplishment at communicating the gospel, and then throwing in a bit of culture as well. Today's visitor, by the way, was Christmas Future:
He was generally creepy, but early on, he takes off his mask and it is discovered that it's Robbie, who is a goofball on stage. This toned it all down a bit, taking away the fear factor for the kids. Regardless, some of the material today was more serious, as Tiny Tim had died, and for that matter, so did Scrooge himself. Of course, this is an alternate future, should Scrooge's behavior not change. Obviously he did change.
The rain poured down outside, and it was cold too. The snow is still on the ground in certain places, and if we apply the rule of "if snow stays on the ground for three days" rule, then we're due for at least three more snow events. It's been nine days.
This afternoon, all we wanted to do was get under the blankets, play some games, rest and watch a movie. So that's what we did. Our movie of choice was a live event, "A Christmas Story," which began at seven.
The three of us got under the covers, got some popcorn, and really enjoyed it. Yes, you can pick apart a lot of these live television events. But some of the technical achievements tonight were impressive, and we'd never seen a musical version of this story before. It was a lot of fun! We enjoyed it, all three of us.
Tonight, Madison went to bed a little later, so we just read from the Scrooge-themed devotional, and said our prayers. Daddy went downstairs and regrettable updated his computer. In doing so, all his Notes files were lost. A similar thing happened a few years ago with another update, and years before that it happened when adding Snow Leopard, another update. So, bottom line: I'm through with updates: a lot was lost.
It's late though, and time for bed. One week from now is Christmas Eve, and we've still got some things to do. I can't believe it is here already, but if you look back, we've done some fun things to celebrate the season. And we're not done yet. It's been a great few months leading up to Christmas, and even after Christmas, we're going to have a lot of fun together. Life is good - the journey is fun. Sometimes I just wish we wouldn't get to the destination so quickly!
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