Thursday, February 6, 2014

"No sir. It's Wednesday."

"No sir.  It's Wednesday."

That might be one of my favorite quotes from a completely underrated movie, "The Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen."  

Here he is himself, although I admit I haven't seen the movie in ages.  I think we may have a copy of it somewhere, though I'm not entirely certain.  He's a sort of larger than life character, and the movie defies all reason, as do most tall tales.  But it was enjoyable when I saw it the first time, despite the usual surreal direction of Terry Gilliam.

This is all from memory, but there is a war going on, and the Baron goes to a few soldiers asking them if they intend to fight back.  Their response is somewhat of a drone:  "No sir.  It's Wednesday."

That has been somewhat of a battle cry over the years, although it's lost some of it's meaning with our newer associations.  Old friends still get the joke - we used it for a while to answer any question about why someone wasn't doing something (on a Wednesday).  Aren't you going to go get something to eat?  Aren't you going to work?  Aren't you going to do that term paper?  Whatever the question, so long as it was Wednesday, there's your answer.

So today's question was:  aren't you going to write in your blog?  "No sir.  It's Wednesday."

I'm writing this the day after.

In my defense, I got home pretty late from church.  We worked all day, and accomplished a few things, which was pretty nice to see.  Scripts were written and messages were conquered.  Plans were made, and services were had, all with great fanfare and celebration.  It was a glorious battle!

But the conquering hero arrived too late to see his precious daughter.  I did, however, talk to her on the phone, along with Mommy.  Madison had tennis once again today, and is getting better.  She's also getting chatty with her new friends there, from what I hear.  She's talking to them in line as she waits for her tennis instructor to call on the students, one at a time.  "Madison?" she calls out, and Madison doesn't hear the first time, because she's still talking with her new friend.  "Madison?!?"

She scurries to her place, and gets ready to hit the ball back with her racket.  Mommy says when she has the correct posture and holds the racket correctly, Madison can really hit the ball well.  It's just learning that discipline - which is why we do it over and over again.  When the weather warms up - which was clearly not today - we'll go out there and practice outside of her normal class time.  That is, if Mommy and Daddy can keep up!

On the phone, Daddy encouraged Madison to keep drawing, and keep using her booklets to learn to draw different things.  His reward was hanging on the refrigerator, a lovely picture of a tulip.  She had colored it in nicely as well, and put some effort into it.  Daddy's deal with her is that after ten quality drawings, she'll get a nice surprise.  She enjoys drawing, and our hope is that she puts as much effort into that as she does other things, like tennis or piano.

Her homework took a turn towards a more challenging route today, although we think this is a more advanced assignment to keep her moving forward.  It took a little interpretation by Mommy, but together, she and Madison worked it out.  Daddy was even slightly puzzled when he saw the assignment, wondering what it was she was supposed to do exactly.  Both Mommy and Daddy were pretty surprised here, thinking this was the sort of thing that shows up a few years later.  But kids these days are pushed a little further than before, although it doesn't appear to phase Madison in the slightest once she gets the idea of what she's supposed to do.

So today was a normal day, much like the other weekdays we've had in the early part of the year.  It was cold again though.  Tonight, it is 29 degrees.  Anything in the twenties is unusually cold, and we've had quite a bit of that this year.  In fact, there are flurries in the forecast coming up.  We'll see if that turns to three feet of snow later.  But the warmth of the weekend is long gone, and so is a bit of that hope that spring is in fact around the corner.  It really is around the corner, of course, but for now we're reminded that the first day of Spring is in fact six weeks away.  And, tomorrow's "Winter Games" are also a good reminder of what season we're in too, eh?  Time to tough it out, dress warm, and enjoy things for what they are.

Just don't ask me to spend too much time outside.  Ask me, "Don't you want to go outside?"

"No sir.  It's Wednesday."

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