Monday, February 24, 2014

International Space Station

At 7:42 tonight, we saw it flying overhead - the International Space Station!

This was neat thing to do, and today's conditions made it perfect. This sort of fly-over happens frequently over time, and in fact tomorrow night's viewing will be about two minutes longer.  But tonight, we were close to the time when the idea came up:  Mommy told us in an hour or so, we'll be able to go outside and see it.  And we sure did.

Not that you can see anything that looks like a spaceship.  But it isn't a faint star that leaves you guessing if that's what you really saw or not.  It is a bright star that simply travels a determined path across the sky - no blinking lights or anything that tells you it is an airplane.  No, this is as bright as a star, and together we saw it pass overhead.

What a teachable moment!  It was late, but we still took time to watch a video on the International Space Station on the computer afterwards.  Madison was of course interested in the food and the bathrooms - and the sleeping arrangements too.  But Mommy and Daddy were pretty fascinated too.  The program we watched was pretty down to earth, a tour of the ISS by astronaut Suni Williams, who made it fun for Madison to watch.

It was Monday, but Daddy still managed to get some work done, as we're starting a new series on Wednesday nights called, "Don't Miss the Boat."

I even had someone make a graphic for this, as it's an idea we've wanted to do for a while.  Mommy and Daddy came up with the idea a few years back in Florida (where most of our ideas come from).  We developed at least seven different messages, and went from there.  On March 28, there is a movie about Noah that is being released:  the whole Noah story will be in the air for the next few weeks, as movie previews will be here or there, and speakers will be talking about the story itself.  SO, we're jumping on this opportunity - and I'm pretty happy about it!

Madison came home today from school - and cleaned her room.  It was a big mess after this weekend, and so we made her do this right away.  As most parents are, we're in a lifelong battle of teaching a child to clean up after themselves.  Madison is pretty good most of the time though, so it's not that much of an epic war.  In fact, for the most part, she went straight to it - although she spent a little time playing around up there too.  No worries though.

Afterwards, she and Daddy went to the piano to continue our practice.  It was a bit more than usual, as yesterday we were babysitting and had company for most of the day.  But Madison handled it well, and did great.  Her reward for finishing piano?  Yes, another power disc.  She got Mike's Car this time, a six-wheeled vehicle for Disney Infinity.  Mike Wazowski was in the garage, in the kiddie car, standing on the power disc - Madison found it right away when we said, "Someone's got a new car - wonder where it is?"

So we played that for a while, getting into a paintball war.  By the end of this game, the characters look like they've just went through a Hindu Holi Festival.  The game has so many different things to do, and is lots of fun for Madison and Daddy.

But right in the middle of playing, we heard the music:  yes, it was the ice cream truck!  You know summer is coming when you hear the ice cream truck's sweet music.  Madison and Daddy burst outside the door with our money, anxious for something sweet.  Madison took her time looking through the pictures on the truck's side, finally deciding on something super sour.  Daddy went with chocolate, of course.  As the ice cream truck drove off, Madison was doing ballet dances in the driveway - this sort of thing is that exciting.

We went to bed tonight, reading about Peter in the Bible - and then about Wolverine and Ka-Zar, protecting animals in a comic book.  It was a great day today, even with a lung doctor visit.  Everything is okay now, where my visit confirmed the obvious:  things are significantly better than they've been.  Daddy is not on the road to recovery:  he's pretty much arrived at that happy destination.

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