Friday, January 27, 2012

Little Trooper

Here's a movie slide show of Madison with our TMBG paper monster hearse from the other day. Daddy didn't get to see her too much today, as it is late at night and I'm still at the office, plugging away. I did get to see Madison this morning - I drove her in to school. It was cold outside, and I carried her close to me as we crossed the parking lot. As we got closer though, she wanted to walk. Here's a photo that sort of captures that idea, a photo of Daddy and his little trooper:

This was taken by Swedish photographer Kristina Alexanderson, who has a whole bunch of Stormtrooper photos similar to this online. Isn't it great?

Anyway, one of the reasons Madison wants down after we cross the parking lot is this: we race. It's a morning ritual, our race to the big button that opens the front doors. It's set there for those who can't open the door on their own. Madison loves to race Daddy to that point every morning - and golly, she wins a whole lot! This morning she pressed the button, and the two of us raced in as well: that's because it was pretty cold!

Madison had a good day at school, and a good day with Nana and Ba-Ba as well. It is during these busy times that I'm grateful to have them here, so that Madison can have some quality time together her grandparents. Unfortunately, this visit is a short one - they'll be leaving on Sunday. HOWEVER, they will be back in about a month. That's the good news for all of us!

For now, Daddy sure does miss his family though. Still here at work, still typing - but obviously taking a small break from it all. I just know when I see Madison next, it'll look like this:

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