Monday, October 14, 2024

Oh, Snap!

We got our Sam's Club membership today, which seems like a terribly mundane thing to talk about, except for the fact that we haven't been members in literally years.  I mean, Maddie's never stepped foot in one of these locations.  So with great fanfare, we swung by there after a few other stops, and sure enough we did all kinds of grocery shopping.  It wound up being cheaper than Aldi's for a few items, although of course you have to purchase more of it, meaning we've got enough garbage bags to last a long time.  It's the unusual stuff that gets you - we saw some of those coconuts from Costa Rica where you can put a bamboo straw in them and drink the juice straight out of the coconut.  Yeah, I had to get those.  And they had a better bulk price on those green tea drinks that Maddie loves.  It was fun just sort of walking around and exploring some place new for the first time, and of course we're all stocked up in certain areas.  Oh, snap!  Maddie was happy to get a box of her favorite pickles.

We were having fun looking through their seasonal stuff too.  And, maybe putting some of it on as well!  For some odd reason, my first memory of a Sam's Club was in Athens where I picked up "The Lion King" soundtrack.  I have no idea why that sticks in my memory, but I do remember in the 90's when these places first started opening up all around, and I remember the people giving out food samples with the running joke about going there for lunch, just eating all the free food samples.

So today was a big doctor's appointment for me, and the end result is a scheduled blood test, endoscopy and colonoscopy.  I got a flu shot and a pneumonia shot, and I'm celebrating the fact that I can finally spell pneumonia without having to look it up.  Anyway, those are buggers and my arm is still smarting from the pneumonia shot.  But worst of all, my heart rate was super high tonight for some odd reason.  I attribute it to either the shots or the salty potato chips I had before bed.  I'm not sure.  Whatever it was, it was scary in the middle of the night.  Mom takes good care of me though, adding potassium to a drink, and other tablets to help with the surge in the pulse.  It would be later the next day when the pulse went down.  As for the endoscopy and colonoscopy, those things are to explore what the actual heck is going on with my stomach and esophagus, which have been enjoying a reign of terror the past few months.  Things have improved slightly because I've avoided all kinds of previously dangerous foods.  But I'm trying to figure out what the new diet should be, or whatever.  Anyway, it was a productive doctor's visit, at least.

We were out doing a few other things too, a few chores like going to the bank and also heading to a thrift shop, where we found the last few missing pieces of Maddie's costume this year.  That yellow Jubilee jacket is pretty unique, but we found an oversized jacket for guys, I think, one that's bright yellow, and it hangs low enough to look like a rain jacket.  We got the red shirt too, so the look should be pretty close to Jubilee's look.  Crucial were the sunglasses and the earrings.  They actually say "Jubilee" on them.  We were at the thrift shop for a bit looking around - I also picked up an unopened Christmas puzzle.  It was all half-price too, so the entire bit was like $7.00 for the yellow jacket, the red shirt, the puzzle, and one other item.  Not bad!

It was a decent day.  The weather is cooler outside, and it's not too bad.  We read tonight, and said our prayers.  I'm honestly a little worried, but ours is not a spirit of fear.  Also, we have pickles.  So there's that!

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