Sunday, October 6, 2024

Wonderland, KidPak, and the start of the Revival

It's Mad Hatter Day, and that's a fun place to start with our pretty full adventure.  After church we picked up a nice rotisserie chicken and a good meal at the house, listening to a few vinyl records while Mom prepared the table.  

We got some gluten-free cakes, and Mom made tea for us proper.  You can see the Cheshire Cat there, along with those old Disney Infinity characters that look so cool.  Maddie and I both had our Wonderland t-shirts on, and we enjoyed some dessert and tea together.

Check out these vinyl records we were listening to.  Both were stories being told, the Disney one using songs from the animated movie.  The Magilla Gorilla one is pretty unusual, a long story that the gorilla tells to try and get Ogee to get some sleep.

This album cover is cool, a framed opening that reveals a larger picture on the inside of most of the Wonderland characters.

And this artwork on the back of all the old Disney characters.  It appears as if Alice is really enamored by Davy Crockett there!

Tonight we continued the theme of the day by watching "Alice Through the Looking Glass," which we hadn't seen in a few years.  It's a good one!

Of course, we started out the day in KidPak, which was a great place to start as always.  We had a military series started, and instead of going all out with an army background, we used the Toy Story backdrop to tell an adventure of the green army men (and women) in the playroom.  This morning we were starting out a bit of "Basic Training," which was the initial name of this series way back in 2005 or so.  It was a super fun skit though, and it got lots of laughs.  We spoke about Gideon from the Bible, and encouraged the kids to be all they could be with God's help.  Here's some more of the pictures that Maddie took from our service.

It was a good day - but it didn't end there, of course.  Because tonight was the start of our church revival, something we experienced last year about this time when Perry Stone came to visit.  Tonight's service was already packed with people in overflow.  We got there early and found decent seating, and Maddie had invited a few friends to return and sit with her for the service.  It was a great, great night, the start of a great, great week here at Free Chapel.

We got home and watched that movie, and then did our reading - but it was late.  Time for some sleep.  Got another big day tomorrow!

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