Sunday, October 13, 2024


Back to church this morning!  We're answering the "Call of Duty," and you can see how we - the toy soldiers - are training for engagement in a life-and-death battle with... squirrels!  Here's a few of the pictures Maddie took this morning of our service, which went very well!
Cadet Emma looks ready for duty!

Mark was our special guest speaker this morning.

Doing our military cadence!

Getting the squad ready with drills!

Full Armor of God game!

It was a super morning, and it all went very well both services.  The kids had a great time, and together we learned about discipline, which is always a great thing to have.  Of course, there's plenty of that in basic training.

The rest of the day was fairly quiet.  We got home, and got some rest - last night was a long night at the fair.  We watched "Edward Scissorhands" tonight, a near and dear movie to me, one of my favorites.  I've been doing my walking on the iFit, and we were out on the front porch for a short while in the cooler weather, reading and surfing.  I've been pressing forward in the book of Psalms and am nearly done with that, while also reading these short stories from this last "Goosebumps" book, which are really fun.  

Speaking of reading, we finished "Equal Rites" tonight, and so we're off to the next book in the series, which is "Wyrd Sisters."  These get progressively better, so I know Maddie will be enjoying the next few months of reading.  Here we are to stay in the Discworld a good bit.  No worries - I was her age when I was first reading them on my own.  

Tonight we got to bed early.  Back to school tomorrow, but it's a shorter week.  It's going to be a good one too.

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